The flight home wasnt bad as I just let myself sleep and stop thinking about everything for the time. I arrived home to see the dog's excited to see me as the dog sitter walked into the hallway. " Hey im sorry I didn't mean to scare you, Umm do to unexpected events im taking zeus with me. So if you can still stay and watch these two babies until demi comes back. I'll throw extra on your pay." She just laughed as she threw her hand at me telling me that it's okay. I ran upstairs as I grabbed my other suitcases as I placed all of my clothes and anything I would need for my trip. I felt my phone blowing up in my back pocket as I pulled it out. I saw Demi called me 2x and then my dad texted me. I opened my dad's message as he wanted to make sure I got back okay and that I landed okay. I finished packing as I took every downstairs, throwing it in the back of my tahoe. I grabbed all of Zeus's things and dishes as I placed them in a box and made sure I grabbed his cage. Even though he's well trained , my mother is very crazy about the dogs roaming when we're gone. Barry and Luna could tell something was wrong as Barry sat by the door looking sad and Luna followed me around. It broke my heart to watch them act like this. I've been there for them for years now and I'm leaving them behind but taking Zeus. I put everything in the car as I loaded Zeus up, walking back inside and sitting on the floor as Barry climbed into my lap. I held him , giving him as much love as I could. "I know buddy, but I'll be back soon. You're such a good boy, take care of your mom okay. I love you sweet boy." I placed a kiss on his nose as I went to give Luna some love as well. I got back into my car as I began to back out of the driveway, looking at my house one more time as I saw Barry and Luna watching me out of the main window. I wiped a tear as it rolled down my face, " Fucking hell Demi, why ." I whispered as I rested my head on the wheel taking a few deep breaths.
The drive to my parents was long and exhausting as I drove straight through and only stopping for Zeus so he could run around and go to the bathroom. About 27 hours later I finally pulled into my parents house as it was about 7:30 at night , the lights were on so my mom was most likely home with my siblings. I parked my car as I opened the door for Zeus who ran next to my hip knowing to follow me. I walked up to the front door as I rang the doorbell, heading my siblings yelling as my mom told them to quiet down. I heard the door unlocked as I saw my mom opening the door with a shocked expression on her face. " Cassandra." I just looked at my mom as I felt myself cracking. " Mom, she Cheated ." Was the only thing I said as my mom pulled me into her arms as she held me against her as I cried into me.

"What happened Love, talk to me." My mom held me tighter as I collapsed further into her arms. "Mom I feel so broken, I gave her everything and she cheated." My mom just rubbed my back as she tried to calm me down. I pulled back from my mom who had a soft and worried look on her face , as she wiped the tears off my face. "Come on let's get you something to eat and settled in okay. Come on Zeus." She pulled me further on the house as Zeus followed us as she sat me at the breakfast bar. I felt my phone go off again as Demi tried calling me again but I let it go to voicemail. I went to put my phone back when it went off again showing a text message from her. "Please, talk to me please Cas." I bit my nail as i thought about responding back but my mom placed a plate of food in front of me and taking my phone from me. "Eat , you look 30 pounds lighter." I saw that she put a pasta and a salad for me and I slowly eat as it was hard to. " Cassandra , listen to me . You don't need to respond to her right now okay. You need to talk to her on your own time. She made the mistake , let her deal with the consequences of it. Take this time for you to heal." I wiped the stray tear that rolled down my face as I looked back over to her and nodded. I finished eating as I couldn't finish it all without feeling sick. So I gave Zeus the rest as I didn't grab my stuff from the car and he was also deserving of a treat. I went outside as I grabbed a few of my bags and Zeus's stuff and bringing it upstairs to my old room. Zeus jumped on the bed as I opened the door as he waited for me to crawl over to him and cuddle with him. I changed clothes and crawled right into bed as Zeus crawled next to me placing his big head in my stomach. "I know Buddy, I know." I stared at my ceiling as I thought about Demi , wondering if she was okay and if she was home now. I felt my face heat up as I thought about her and everything that happened. I was angry that things happened the way they did, that I had to come here instead of being home, that I had to upset the dogs. Life just seemed so unfair at this point. I saw my phone light up again, turning to see who it was I saw that Charlotte had texted me. "Hey I talked to Rhea, She explained why she acted and did everything. I'll let you talk to her about it yourself but I know you want to work things out with her. I just want you to play things safe , you're heart is broken and I don't want you acting on emotions. Take this time to heal from everything and don't worry about things here . Come back when you're READY. I mean it. I love you babe." I smiled at her text as I shut my phone off and telling myself I'll respond to her in the morning. I was woken up by my phone going off, I looked to see who was calling. "My Fav Nightmare." I thought about answering it because it was 4 am in the morning and something could of happened. I picked up the phone but the call went to voicemail as I sat there biting the inner part of my cheek. What am I gonna do.

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