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Chapter four

A COLD BREEZE rushed past your face as you awoke. you were slowly regaining awareness as you woke from a forced rest.

your senses were coming back to you, and your eyes were adjusted to the dark, the darkness being all you could see. you felt an immense cold, and your movements felt restricted and limited. you tried to move about more, you tried to feel your surroundings, but your hands hit up against something hard and metallic, sending waves of coldness through your hands. you tried to wiggle out of the restraint, but it was not budging.

"i haven't touched her,"

"there's no fucking way i'm going to share her with you, wasn't it me who caught her first?"

"that's not part of our plan, you greedy bastard."


you heard masculine voices, loud and unfamiliar.....

your mind wakes up, but your eyes were still shut, afraid you'll come to regret ever opening them.

your thoughts were in a blurry fog, your head was painfully throbbing sore and dazed, yet you were still trying to absorb what was going on.

you could feel the cold floor underneath your bare feet, that were excessively tied with a rope to the point of causing a searing pain. your breathing became heavy, as if you'd been punched in the chest and were struggling to inhale air when your mind started to process what's happening.

"i want her for me, only me!"

"he's gonna fucking shoot you in the head if you do that!"

"i would do it first!"

the fear turns to anger as you realize that this is all because of your brother's carelessness. he's always been reckless and irresponsible, always borrowing money from the wrong people and getting into trouble. you've always been the responsible one, the one who cleans up his messes, but this time it's different. this time, his actions have put you in danger.

you feel a mix of anger and fear, knowing that you're in this situation because of your stupid brother. The anger makes you want to scream, to lash out at him, to tell him how much he's ruined your life. but deep down, you know that it's not just him who's to blame. you've always enabled his behavior, always stepped in to help him when he got into trouble.

and now, here you are, tied up and powerless, with no idea how you're going to get out of this mess. all you can do is hope that somehow, someway, you can escape and make it back home safely.

slowly fluttering your eyes open, you blinked memontarily, clearing your foggy eyesight as your eyes widened in fear when you look up to the shadowed faces peering down on you,
you tried pulling your hands from above you, but you couldn't..
they were chained.

you cannot move.

As the room grew silent, you looked up to them, their penetrating gazes aimed down at your vulnerable state. you could piece together that the pink-mullet-man was the one you met that night.

"call me if you get bored," the white-haired-man spoke, a hint of annoyance was evident in his voice as he turned around and walked away, slamming the door shut before leaving you alone with the mullet-haired man.

"i was getting bored waiting for you.." he teased you, caressing your tear-stained cheeks with his palm, but you just furrowed your brows and looked away making him let out a chuckle.

as he kept his hand on your cheek, you gritted your teeth in anger and tried to jerk your head away from him. but his grip was too strong, and you couldn't move. you muttered curses under your breath, your adrenaline pumping through your veins.

𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐥 | 𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬Where stories live. Discover now