Do Not Be Afraid Of Water My Dear

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As the two continued down the dirt road it soon started to get dark. The girl looked up and saw that it was getting darker by the minute. She stopped and looked up at the small Riolu. "Looks like we're going to have to sleep here tonight bud. We'll start again early tomorrow ok?" He nodded understanding and jumped off the girls shoulders. The girl grabbed her sleeping bag from her bag and walked off into the forest with the Riolu trailing behind her. She stopped and set the sleeping bag down onto the dry grass. She looked down at the Riolu who was standing there nervously playing with his paws. "Hey Riolu." He jumped slightly at the sound of her voice. "I'm going to put you in the pokeball OK." He whimpered, flattening his ears and putting his tail between his legs. 'He wants to sleep with me, great.' The girl sighed knowing that he won this battle. "You can sleep next to me but no touching me ok?" He nodded smiling in victory. As she started getting comfortable on her side of the sleeping bag Riolu snuggled up on her back. The girl cracked her right eye open, "Didn't I tell you no touching." He nodded snuggling closer to her for warmth. She sighed and remember something. "Did i ever tell you my name?" He shook his head lightly. She chuckled slightly at his answer. "Oh well my name is Neela Bloom." Silence. "Are you still awake?" Neela whispered. She turned to look at him and smiled at the sleeping Riolu. She chuckled and laid back on her side. She then thought how cute the little guy was before falling into a deep sleep as the Riolu snuggled into her back.


"Neela hide your fathers coming!" Neela's mother yelled to the girl from the other room. Tiny Neela gasped and his under bed. Her big brown eyes quickly moving side to side. She heard angry shouts and loud thuds coming towards her room. Neela closed her eyes and held her knees close to her chest. Her stomach churning every thud she heard of her fathers boots coming closer. "Neela where are you?" Her father asked gruffly. She heard the small puffs of her fathers breathing as he grew angrier of her not responding. He kicked open the closet door shattering it into tiny pieces. He stood there angry and then walked out slowly. Neela gasped not knowing that she had held her breath and closed her eyes. A large hand then grabbed her by the ankle and pulled her out. She screamed as she wailed her arms out to grab anything.


Neela sat up, beads of sweat rolling down her face as she tried to calm her breathing. Tears slipped from her eyes as she looked down remembering the awful dreams that plagued her each night. Every night she would have different nightmares. As she looked up at the moon, the moonlight shined on her brightened river of tears as they continued downward her cheek and onto the sleeping bag. She felt the feeling of something warm and fuzzy wipe away her tears until her red cheeks were dried. Her eyes opened, meeting the Riolu's questioning red eyes. "Its ok Riolu. I'm fine." She laid back down and stared at the moon as the Riolu snuggled into her side. She couldn't help but wonder why she didn't think of becoming a Pokemon master when she was a little girl. Maybe it was the fear of being abanded by her pokemon was her problem. 'Looks like you're living the fear of being abandoned again...I'm so sorry this had to come to this.' She wondered for so long, she thought it was time for her to move on and continue a life without anyone, forever alone.


As morning came, the two decided to head off towards the road to Mr.Fuji's home. As they came across a strong river with very large slippery boulders, Neela decided that they shoulder go across the boulders. Neela slinted her eyes challenging the river, daring the river to even try something. Riolu stared intensively at the river and puffed out its chest. Neela cracked an invisible smile as she watched the young Riolu. She walked next the Riolu, giving him a thumbs up. He returned it with a smile and a thumbs up. "Come lets go Riolu." He turned towards the river and dashed towards one of the large boulders surprising Neela that he had left her behind. Neela then noticed that the boulders weren't very sturdy. "Riolu don't play around and keep going!" She commanded to the small Pokemon. He nodded and continued to jump onto the other boulders with her following behind. Just as he jumped to the next boulder he slipped off the slippery boulder his tiny arms reaching for dear life.He hit his head roughly onto a pointy tip on the boulder knocking him out and falling into the deep cold water. She looked at him, her eyes widening in fear of his death. "RIOLU!!" she screamed as she dove in after him not thinking of herself. She didn't think, all she knew was that she didn't need another dead soul tugging on her conscious forever. She swam closer to him as he struggled to stay above water being pulled roughly by the waters currents as if it was a tug of ear being held at the floor of the river. She reached out finally able to grasp onto his wrists and pulling him to her chest shielding him from any harm. Just then the current got stronger pulling them towards a new river with three times as more boulders. She looked behind her and saw many strong boulders. Before she could move on to a differnt side she ran out of time and slammed into the boulder, her body taking the full hit. Feeling like she broke a rib, she struggled to breathe back in the air she had lost. As shock scared her into bringing back her senses. The current continued to pull them into more boulders, as if she were part of a ping pong game she continued to get hit barely giving her anytime to recover as she held the unconscious Riolu to her for dear life. Just as she hit a smaller boulder she clung onto it with her left hand, her hand bleeding onto the rock."This is not how I die! You hear me!!" She screamed loudly into the boulder with her eyes shut. Just as she slipped away a vine caught her wrist whipping her back onto a boulder and knocking her completely out, never letting go of the Riolu. 'No, not like this...please...'


Hello readers I hope you liked this chapter and please comment, vote or even add this to your reading lists!
Have a delightful day!!
(I will also go back into later and fix this chapter!)

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