Chapter 5- Less Than Four Months

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Charlie's POV:

What could I have possibly done to have them all give me that look? I was just keeping to myself that can't be against one of their rules. Whatever, they can't keep me from skateboarding. I won't let them. Squaring my shoulders I take the last few steps right in front of my brothers. "Charlotte where have you been?" Colt demands. Ok, no need to be so aggressive. "In the driveway" keeping my voice steady. "Doing what?" Really did he not see me skate up? I hold up my skateboard giving him an obvious 'duh' look. "We have been looking for you for hours, you need to tell someone where you're going. We can't have you running off. This is a big place and you're not familiar with it yet. Hailey looked for over a half hour trying to find you." I can't help but start laughing. Probably not the best time but I can't help it. I can just picture her skipping along the property trying to find me. "Charlotte stop laughing, this is serious!" Colt says as his voice gets higher. Goodness, they're no fun. I quickly compose myself. "I'm sure she was looking for me, but did she think maybe I didn't want to be found? She was glued to my side all morning. Also, she talks non fu.." that was close just caught myself. Colt gives me a look. "Stop, I had to sneak out just to get a break from her." Now it's Wyatt who speaks up "She's a sweet girl and I'm sure she was just trying to be friendly." "I'm sure she is sweet but I can only handle her in small doses and that timeframe ended before eleven." Looking him directly in the eye trying to show how much I truly meant it. "Next time just find one of us or if you can't text someone, we may not get it right away but when we do then we won't have to worry." Colt calmly states. "Couldn't one of you have just texted me to see where I was?" Seeing if one of them will catch the problem. "We don't have your number." One of the twins says. I really need to find a way to tell them apart, well that's an issue for another time. After a minute Tripp catches my point. "If we don't have your number you couldn't have ours either." "Bingo," I say, giving him a wink and a small smirk. He chuckles slowly, shaking his head and I swear I saw the corners of Colt's lips twitch up. After they all take turns putting their numbers in my phone and I give them mine. Then we go our separate ways. I'm a little peckish. I think I will head to the kitchen.

I get a big smile when I see my new favorite person. "Well look who's come to visit, hey short stack!" Jack says. I may not hate that nickname as much as I originally thought. Only from him though. "Of course, I have to see my new favorite person." Jack just smiles as he continues to cook alongside August and Anthony. I sit down and just watch. Twenty minutes later I'm helping August measure out the ingredients for the dinner rolls. For the next hour and a half, I help all three men in various stages of cooking dinner. By the time we say goodbye to Anthony and I leave the kitchen. I see the flour in my hair and decide it might be a good idea to shower before dinner.

After I've showered and changed into some comfy clothes I head to the library. I still can't believe this place has a library. I quickly took a picture and put it in our group chat. They of course don't see how awesome it is to have all these books, silly boys. I look through the shelves and when I finally find the book I like I plop down on the couch and sink into the cushions. I'm startled by this obnoxiously ringing. Oh, that must be the dinner bell. I'm almost disappointed when I hear it, but it's the sacrifice I'm willing to make for food. Plus I helped cook so I have to taste my work.

One thick pork chop, thank you pigs. Creamy mashed potatoes and a side of green beans. I grab a roll to round out what looks like a perfect plate in my opinion. I'm sitting down on Colt's end in between Tripp and Kaison. They're so big I can't really see around them but I can definitely hear everyone. As I shove a piece of pork into my mouth I watch in a disaster with discus written on my face. Across the table, the twins sit down with their plates loaded. So much so it would take me three meals to eat that but that is not the worst part. It looks like they just threw the food on it. The pork covers the green beans and then the mashed potatoes are haphazardly scooped on the side. Then they just put their four rolls on top, touching the mashed potatoes! What are they animals? I couldn't stop staring. "Is there a reason you're staring at us?" Gage says and I only know it's Gage because I heard Chase talking to him earlier. "How can you eat like that?" Still eyeing his plate. "Like what?" he questions now staring at me with mild annoyance. Pointing to his plate "That! It's all touching and getting mixed together." He then puts a smirk on his face "So sorry your highness." He then takes his roll and scopes up some mashed potatoes. Staring at me while he takes a bite. Gross! see I knew it boys are just gross even big boys. "You're gross" "Thank you." He says smiling. Whatever "Just ignore him, sweetheart," Tripp says quietly while leaning closer. I smile at him and continue to eat my food. No one's ever called me that before I kind of liked it. Maybe he's not too bad, and Kaisons is alright too. The Colt, Wyatt, and Lucas are a little overbearing. The twins think they're funny but they're really not. Ok maybe sometimes but not as much as they think. Brady is a different story. I haven't interacted with him yet so I'll have to wait and see.

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