
38 13 10

hills in the evening, rusty skies,
clouds shaped like luck and dragonflies
i make a wish for the stars in her eyes

(symphonies on checkered picnic blankets)

sometimes, i can see swans in the nearby lake
they rest in willows planted on the shore and
i rest my head on the young grass and watch them sleep

aly walks along the winding path for the first time today
and she looks back at me and the wind around her hair like a halo and
the sky is streaked with tearstained clouds

in biology i learn that no place is devoid of life so
i'm sure that there are many ecosystems here but right now
i only have eyes for her

i am full of grass stains and young love and my head is full of the heady perfume of nectar
and her

and i loved not wisely but too wellWhere stories live. Discover now