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    I woke up to the sound of DogChamp barking and growling at something.  I opened my eyes to see Punz and Sapnap trying to get my dog to be quiet.  It was still dark so I'm guessing they followed me here.  Good thing I didn't go to my cabin. 

    "What do you two want?" I spoke up.  The second I spoke DogChamp quit barking and looked at me.

    "We want you to come home," Sapnap said.

    "That's funny," I said while chuckling.

    "We're being serious Purp.  Come on.  We can help you get your stuff back," Punz said, taking a step closer.  DogChamp turned back to face my brothers and started growling again.

    "Seriously?" I asked.  "You haven't cared about me for years and now all of a sudden you want to take care of me.  Fuck off.  And don't call me 'Purp'."  I got up, grabbed my bag, and started walking in the opposite direction of them.  One of them grabbed my hand, stopping me from walking away.

    "Please," I heard Sapnap say, "we're sorry.  We never meant to shut you out.  We got so caught up with our own lives."

    "Oh so that's a good reason to leave a 9-year-old to fend for himself?" I snapped as I turned to face him.  "That's a good reason to leave a kid with no money, no protection, and no help?  Don't try that shit with me.  It won't work."  I got my hand out of his grasp and walked away.  I could hear them calling for me and apologizing but I didn't look back.  I wasn't about to let my guard down, trust them again, then get stabbed in the back again

    I was 9 when Tommy and I came through the portal to this world.  We had heard word of a nation that was tryin to gain its independence and Tommy immediately fell in love with it.  Probably due to his nature of wanting to win.  I never joined the country but I did keep a close eye on Tommy.  While Tommy was hanging out with these new people, I was making a house for the two of us to live in. 

    One day when I was working on the roof of the house I slipped and fell.  Luckily someone caught me before I hit the ground.  I looked up to see a teen with a white bandana in his black hair and a pair of cyan eyes.  He had a comforting smile as he set me down.  Next to him was another teen.  He had blonde hair and cerulean eyes.  The two had introduced themselves and we had grown quite close over the span of just a few months.  I had learned that the two were brothers, the blonde being a few years older.  After a while, the two adopted me as their brother.

    When L'Manburg and the Greater Dream SMP went to war, I was torn between helping my brothers and helping my friend so I stayed out of it all together.  A month before my 10th birthday, Sapnap and Punz quit visiting my house.  I thought they just got busy and couldn't visit.  But I thought for sure they would come celebrate my birthday seeing as I told them about it just a few days before.  I was alone the day of my birthday.  Tommy was with his new friends and my brothers were somewhere with Dream. I thought for sure they would remember next year though.  I was wrong.  Not once did they visit and not once did they celebrate my birthday.

    From then on I didn't trust anyone.  Everyone payed attention to Tommy and his group.  Not one person checked in on me.  So I turned to Hypixel.  I couldn't make money on the Dream SMP since no one really knew I existed.  I had to make money one way or another.  So I found out about Hypixel and got my pass.  I've been earning money that way since I was ten.

    Now that I'm almost 18, I have more experience and don't get hurt as easily.  Sure my body is littered with scars but they just prove that I got better and stronger. 

    I was pulled from my thoughts as DogChamp barked at me.  I was standing in front of the ruins of L'Manburg.  I guess I really got lost in my thoughts.  Why'd I even come here of all places? 

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