Forgiveness Forgiven [Angst/spice]

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The alleyway stands witness to their desires-a backdrop of rain and shadows that cloaks them in an intimate embrace. The kiss that began as a tender exploration has ignited a fire between them-a flame that burns with a hunger that's been pent up for centuries.

Aziraphale's fingers trail down Crowley's chest, his touch a map of exploration as he learns every curve and contour, every hidden secret of Crowley's form. It's a touch that's assertive, more decisive than Crowley expected, yet it resonates with a deep need that's mirrored in his own heart.

Crowley's back presses against the wall, the cold bricks a contrast to the heat that courses through his veins. His hands find their place on Aziraphale's hips, pulling him closer-a silent plea for more, for the barriers that once stood between them to crumble away.

Their lips part briefly, a rush of breath and emotion between them. Aziraphale's voice is a low murmur, a caress against Crowley's ear. "Crowley, my dear, there's something I've longed to explore, to experience with you."

Crowley's heart races, his eyes locking onto Aziraphale's with an intensity that mirrors the storm around them. "Aziraphale..."

The angel's touch is deliberate as he slides his hands beneath Crowley's coat, fingers splayed against the warmth of Crowley's back. His voice is a whispered invitation-a promise that ignites a fire within Crowley's chest.

"Let go, Crowley," Aziraphale murmurs, his words heavy with meaning, "and let me show you a side of heaven you've never known."

The air is thick with anticipation-a mixture of vulnerability and desire that's woven into every glance, every touch. As their lips meet again, the kiss is no longer a gentle exploration-it's a storm of need and longing that crashes over them, erasing the boundaries that once kept them apart.

Aziraphale's fingers work deftly, undoing buttons and unraveling layers until Crowley's coat falls to the ground, forgotten in the sea of sensations that consume them. Crowley's breath hitches as Aziraphale's hands find the fabric of his shirt, fingers tracing the lines of his chest with a reverence that ignites sparks of desire.

Crowley's heart pounds in his chest, the rush of blood in his ears drowning out everything except for the heady sensation of Aziraphale's touch. As the rain falls around them, the world fades away-the only reality that matters is the connection they share, the unspoken promise that's etched into every kiss, every touch.

Aziraphale's lips wander, a trail of kisses that lead from Crowley's mouth to his jawline, down the column of his neck. Crowley's head falls back against the wall, a shiver coursing through him as Aziraphale's lips explore every inch of his skin with an ardor that leaves him breathless.

And then, with a sudden assertiveness that Crowley hadn't anticipated, Aziraphale pushes him against the wall, his body pressed against Crowley's with a weight that's both commanding and irresistible. The pressure of Aziraphale's body against his own sends shockwaves of desire through Crowley's veins-a jolt of electricity that pulses in time with his racing heart.

Crowley's fingers clutch at Aziraphale's back, his nails grazing against the fabric of his suit. The rain continues to fall in torrents, the droplets cascading over them like a waterfall of sensation-an echo of the passion that courses between them.

Their gazes meet-a silent agreement, an unspoken affirmation that they're both willing participants in this dance of desire. As Aziraphale's lips capture Crowley's once again, the kiss becomes more than just a meeting of mouths-it's a clash of emotions, a melding of souls that transcends the physical.

Their bodies align in a way that's almost primal-an instinctual gravitation towards each other that's been building since the dawn of creation. Crowley's fingers slip beneath Aziraphale's waistcoat, the fabric cool against his touch-a stark contrast to the feverish heat that radiates between them.

As their kiss deepens, the power struggle that once defined their interactions takes on a new form-a dynamic of shared dominance and submission that's both intoxicating and liberating. Crowley's fingers tangle in Aziraphale's hair, the strands soft between his fingers as he pulls him impossibly closer.

Aziraphale's hands find their way beneath Crowley's shirt, his touch sending shockwaves of pleasure through Crowley's body. The angel's fingers trace patterns against Crowley's skin-a language of desire that needs no translation.

Their lips break apart momentarily, breathless gasps punctuating the tension that fills the air between them. Crowley's voice is a rasp-a plea, a confession, a surrender all at once. "Aziraphale..."

The angel's eyes are dark with desire, his fingers lingering on the edge of Crowley's shirt as he searches Crowley's gaze for affirmation. "Crowley..."

In that moment, the rain seems to pause-a hushed pause that mirrors the anticipation that simmers between them. And then, with a shared understanding that's spoken through their eyes, their lips meet once again-a kiss that's a fusion of passion, longing, and the promise of a future they're finally ready to embrace.

Their bodies press together, a harmony of desire and need that builds to a crescendo-a moment of connection that defies words and leaves them both breathless. And as the rain falls around them, a symphony of passion and emotion, Crowley and Aziraphale's desires intertwine-a testament to the power of love and the uncharted depths of their shared journey.

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