"I'm Melinda, but you can call me Mellie" she informs, bringing one of her slender hands out to take my own in a shake.

"I'm Blair" our fingers locking, cool smooth skin sending a shiver down my spine.

"Wanna join me for a cigarette?"

The next few days go by without a hitch and with little too no action. Noah and i forming a routine of sorts, spending most days hanging out around the condo. We don't do much of anything besides getting take out and watching an ungodly amount of horror movies.

We also didn't speak on our bathroom make out session , instead we carried on like it didn't happen. Like everything was normal. Not in that awkward way like the time after Orie's party. But I think we have both grown a lot since our first kiss, at least I know I have. I know now that sometimes physical intimacy can be meaningless.

  And that is okay.

Today proved to be a little different than days pervious. Noah won't be coming by until later this evening for whatever reason and I am left to face the awkwardness that I have created with Mel. My stubbornness proves to be bulletproof and I haven't so much as said a word to her since since the day Noah ambushed my date with Connor. My pride being far too big to try to get back to where we were, but I did miss her. I missed the simplicity of not having to try to be anyone besides myself, the ease of having someone who makes my worries melt away.

Currently we are both sitting as far away as possible from each-other at the island, scarfing down mouthfuls of cereal because neither one of us have the energy to cook in the mornings. I can hear as she quickly chomps away at her frosted clusters.

I would always make fun of her for her juvenile choice in breakfast options. Who can really stomach sugar coated cornflakes first thing in the morning aside from a child? No grown adult I had ever encountered in my life. But she didn't care that I thought it was weird, she never cared about anyone's judgment. Her careless way of thinking and free spirited attitude rubbed off on me after a while. I stopped being so timid, so scared of the world and what others thought. I eventually ended up finding myself also enjoying an overfilled bowl of Frosted Flakes.

Cranking my head slowly to the left I catch her in my eye, her attention fixed to a video playing on her phone screen.

I swallow harshly, it burns as I force the nervous lump down.

"Mel.." I begin, causing her to turn her head towards me with wide eyes.

It's an internal battle as I find the strength to continue with my statement. Stubbornness wanting to take over and shut me down. But I bite back the feelings, knowing I need to fix the situation between us.

"I'm sorry for how I reacted"

She doesn't speak as she takes the time to process my words, eyes pulled so wide I swear they could fall out of her head with the slightest movement. They glimmer with emotion, the thin layer of moisture twinkling under our dim ceiling light.

After a moment she cracks a smile, ends of her mouth pulling up and broadcasting her pearly teeth.

"It's okay. I'm used to you being a bitch" she jokes, causing me to flick my eyes playfully at her. "I'm sorry too, Blair. I didn't realize the revocations of what I did"

"I know your heart was in a good place. I was just scared at the idea of having to start over"

"I never saw it that way before" she admits and I smile at her.

I can't blame her for being oblivious to my problems, I know she hasn't the slightest clue as to what has happened to make me this way. I wish I could fill her in on my life before this one, what had happened and caused me to function so differently. But I can't. Who knows what she will think of me if she ever found out the truth.

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