Chubby? Or Not Chubby? (Request) (11)

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"Sara, are you there?" Shawn asks as he waves his hand in front of Sara's face. "Oh, what?" Sara snapped out of her gazing. Shawn sighs. "You were staring at nothing, is something wrong?" Shawn asks. "N-No, nothing's wrong." Sara shrugged. 'As stubborn as ever.' Shawn thought as he sighs.

"Why am I so chubby? Why am I so-" Sara says as she looks in front of the mirror until she was cut off by a knocking at her door. She quickly threw on her shirt and said "Come in!". "Dinner's ready!" Sara's mom says. Sara sighs as she goes out for dinner, still having problems with her self-confidence.

Sara hisses as the pain burns in her arm, where cuts where to be found. As she sees the time on her clock, she washes the blood off, rolls down her sleeve, and goes to school.

"Hey, Shawn." Sara smiles as he walks beside her. "Hey back at ya." he winks. "Really now? Winking?" Sara asks, trying not to laugh. "We're gonna be late, we hafta run, no time to answer your question!" he says, grabbing Sara's arm- where her cuts are located.

Sara hisses at the sudden action, making Shawn curious. He rolled up the sleeve, ignoring Sara's complaints, and gasps at the cuts. "What made you do this?" he asks, sad upon seeing the cuts. "Well, people call me chubby, so . . ." Sara mutters, tearing up. Suddenly, Shawn hugs her. "There's no need to that, I'm here for you, okay?" Shawn says as Sara cries on his chest. 

He lifts up Sara's chin "Sometimes it all gets a little too much, but you gotta realize that soon the fog will clear up, and you don't have to be afraid, because we're all the same, just remember that I'll be here for you, Sara."



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