"You're not bothering anyone, just know that" Lavee put her hands on her cheeks which made Clove blush.

"I don't know what's going on with you and my granddaughter, but I believe in you. People will try to change you, those people you push away and tell them to fuck off. Don't listen to them, just listen to your heart and what tells you is right or wrong. Look after yourself." Why was she telling her all this? She was about to ask her when Aiden, one of Aria's brothers, spoke up.

"Are we going to pretend that she did nothing wrong? That's full of shit." August called his name. "What? I am just saying what you all thinking, she comes here and greets everyone as if it was all forgotten. I don't want to forget, I want to remember everything!"

"Aiden, my son, stop." He stare at his son with the 'One more word and you're cleaning the dishes for the next two weeks'."I apologize for my son's behaviour, Clove. It doesn't mean it that way."

"Oh hell, I meant it in every possible way. I remembered Aria having to deal with an heartbreak after what she's been through. You humiliated my sister on a live show. How can I forget you for this? PLEASE, tell me how can I not look at you with anger?" Aiden looked at her with so much rage. She remembered when she looked at everyone with that same rage before the Hunger Games.

"Upstairs, Aiden. Now." Gil said with a cold tone that send shivers down his spine and sober him up from his anger.

"I'm going to look after him." Taylor said before rushing upstairs.

Aria's father had taken a deep breath before sitting up.

"He's not usually like this. That speech he carried came from what the workers say in the factories." Clove and Aria moved closer to hear better." Ever since the Hunger Games, people have wanted change. A kind of hope is rising to the surface and a coup is in the offing."

Did the people of District 8 really want so? Aria was afraid of what might happen. She wanted to forget about the Hunger Games, but people were just thinking about it. How had she not seen anything?

"Why? Why now? The games have been going on for years."

"It's because you gave them something to fight about. This is the first time two Tributes have been crowned. You toyed with the Capitol and you succeeded." Gil answered for his father.

That had confused her even more. They didn't play with the Capitol, they were lucky they didn't get their tongues cut out after Clove's action during the final. Aria never saw it that way and she was terrified to find out what would happen next.


She knew Aiden's words must have pain her in some way.The redhead decided to lighten the mood by showing her the places she preferred from home. Starting by the bakery of Mr. Ellis where the sweetest sweets and cakes were baked. Before the games, her family wasn't able to purchase anything from there although Mr. Ellis would give them from time to time the baked goods who had not be buy. After taking some carrots bread, Aria showed her favourite place of all time : The lullaby of the forgotten souls. A name given by the inhabitants to remember that despite living every day, one day our soul will be forgotten by everyone. The moral is that no matter what choices we make along the way we should be happy with who we are because in the end we are the only ones who remember.

The view was resplendent. Surrounded by the few trees that District 8 had was a lake as blue as the sky and as bright as dusk. People often came here to try to find meaning in their lives and to meditate on what they wanted to become. A place of peace that cradles troubled souls.

As they sat in front of the lake, silence engulfed them as they share the bread.

"Your family is as you describe it to me. It was nice to see so much life in one place."

"They are the people I love most. I am sorry for what Aiden said. I should have say something. It wasn't right to blame everything on you. We both went through a lot."

It was true, the two winners were living their present without being able to detach themselves from their past.

"Weren't they surprised to see you kiss a girl?"

"My parents knew before I knew it myself. They never thought it was an issue because it is so current in Panem. They were happy for me when I told them, my grandma said that girls were better than boys." The redhead laughed as she remembered how nervous she was years before. "What about you?"

"I..I never thought about girls this way. Boys were okay I guess, but it never felt more than that. Then, I met you. At first, I was scared and confused of how you would make me feel. I was going through a crisis back then and the games were a lot too. The Hunger Games had been my reason to wake up. You came out of fresh air and made me rethink who I wanted to be. There was a moment I decided to let myself out. I wanted to be free and.. and when my lips met yours I've never felt more me in my entire life."

It was the first time she share something so personal and deep with Aria. How would she react? Her heart was jumping around. Gosh, I hate being emotional.

"Thank you for sharing this with me." Aria softly said, her hand reaching hers. It was enough to ease up Clove and the two girls enjoy the rest of the time they had together before Clove had to leave for District 2. The brunette felt that her mission was accomplished. In a few hours she would be leaving and they would see each other in a month for the tour.

The reflections of the lake looked strangely rainbow coloured even though no rainbow could be seen in the sky. This trip allowed the Victors to forgive each other. A second chance was offered to them for the continuation of their story, which would not be as unforgettable as they would like, but that was to be expected since the odds are never in their favour.

Author's note

I am finally home from my vacation and I am ready to give this book more regular updates. I'm really sorry about that. I know it's not fun to read a story that doesn't have regular updates. Now that I'm back I'm ready to show you the rest of the story between Aria and Clove. And get ready for more novels in the Hunger Games universe!

Thanks for your comments and votes!

Leather in heaven ( Clove Kentwell fanfiction )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon