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ok ik ik summer is HEREEE

So i have some ideas for a pool party and all and i guess i want to share it with you guys
My kind of party is like, for 2-3 people only ik i dont really like big parties it scares me
Mostly about summer treats and all

•get crackers
•mini marshmallows
>put the chocolate on the crackers
>layer it with marshmallows
>put it in the microwave for 20 seconds
>get another cracker and layer it with chocolate
>sandwich that cracker with the one from the microwave

-Fruit yogurt ice thing
•A large bowl
•A tray
>take some berries or whatever nice fruits you like
>cut them up
>detroy them by plopping a spoonfull of yogurt (any kind you want)
>by the way this is all done together in a large bowl
>now use the spoon to scoop up portions of the yogurt fruit thing and place it on a tray one by one
>leave it in the freezer for a day
>open up and yay done

-Layered cake which may turn you fat but who cares
•Get a fucking mason jar
•Vanilla cake
•Whip cream
•Gummies/M&Ms whatever
>Cut a layer of vanilla cake and shove it into the mason jar (so now it's 1/4 filled)
>Put a layer of whip cream
>And maybe some M&Ms or fruits
>Squish another layer of cake
>Kepp going like that by stacking shit up until it's full
>End it off with that nice like swirl of whip cream and sprinkles
>Get a long ass spoon
>Eat shit

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