Start from the beginning

"I've heard your word.. but are you sure? I can't Grant you that wish, your Majesty... It's beyond my power to make you pregnant.." Maleficent said while sitting back on her Throne.

"Impossible.. you can! I'm sure of it, I have gold and wealth anything you wish I can give.. but please" the Queen said while walking closer to her, but the King held his wife.

"I can't, your Majesty... It's beyond my power and I can't... You may ask anything but that... It's the same as you ask me to wake the dead, it's impossible" Maleficent replied but the Queen insisted and pointed her finger at Maleficent. Maleficent felt humiliated by the Queen's act and she rose upon her Throne and the crow flew to her.

"Fine, if you wish... I will grant it, but you must sacrifice something for me, make me your Prime Minister and let everyone in your Kingdom freely learn about Dark Magic" Maleficent said, without hesitation, the Queen promised to give Maleficent what she wished but the King shook his head and ask the Queen to reconsider her decision but the Queen insisted.


9 months passed and the Queen birth to a beautiful Princess whom they gave the name Borealis, the same as the northern lights. A huge ceremony is held at Queen Stephanie's Castle and the Queen is delighted to meet everyone and greets them with many feasts. The Queen also makes a majestic Christening for the Princess, while The King greets many foreigners royals, and representatives in the Throne chamber.

The Queen plays with the baby Borealis with joy and happiness, but at the same time, the Queen doesn't know that she hasn't fulfilled her promise to Maleficent. She even started to forget and think that everything would be okay.

The Christening day has come, and the entire Kingdom celebrates the newly born Princess with joy and happiness. While the King and Queen looked so grateful and delighted to meet everyone, they sat on their Throne with a smile. Every single person in the Kingdom pays homage to the new Princess, including the three fairies. Queen Stephanie invited the fairy so they could bless the Princess and so they blessed the Princess with many amazing gifts from them.

"My gift shall be joy and happiness for the rest of her life.." Said the red fairy that became the fairy of animals. A red glitter flew above the Princess's cradle and fell into the Princess and she was giggling.

"My gift shall be song and beauty, everyone who meets you will fall in love with you and you'll be the most beautiful girl in the world," said the green fairy that became the fairy of nature. A green glitter flies and surrounds the Princess's cradle and falls into her making the Princess laugh.

Before the third fairy blessed the Princess, a strong wind and thunder struck all over the Throne chamber. Suddenly the the ground below shook and everyone started to scream and panic. Even the Queen hurriedly took Princess Borealis into her hug and before they could even say anything a dark tall figure walked into the Throne chamber. Her horn shone in the thunder light and her robe dragged long behind her, her crow flying above her and standing on her arm. The Queen looks terrified and starts when she sees Maleficent walking as if she's the Queen of her Kingdom.

"Well.. well.. well, what a majestic Christening you have here, Queen Stephanie.. how can you make a wonderful Christening without inviting me, your Majesty..?" Said Maleficent and the Queen swallowed back her fear and tried to look brave in front of everyone including Maleficent.

"Why would I? Why do I need to invite you..? You're a wicked witch! I don't want you to come to my Palace and put harm into my family!" Snapped the Queen and Maleficent laughed hearing it.

"You truly easily forget, Your Majesty.. to show you I have no bad intention came here, I too shall bless your Princess.." Replied Maleficent walking into the middle of the Throne chamber and looking upon the audience and guests who looked terrified by her appearance.

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