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As my footsteps receded into a silent alley, I could listen to the faint sounds of rain falling onto ground. To my view, I could see people moving at all paces, some moving strides fearing a heavy downpour while some experiencing the delight of cool breeze accompained by rain.

But I waited for him, I was his doom impending. I looked for a limping man, in his late thirties, wild hair, rags for clothes and treachorous soul. I leaped forth like a hungry predator when I spotted my target with a gunny rag on his head.

Gul was humming with the pitter  patter of rain, when she noticed a man suddenly emerge from the shade of shoddy lane and tackle her brother.

"Spare me Horus", cried Gul's brother Hamir as my sword was resting at his neck. Surrounding crowd had dispered to safer distances from the rowdy noises.

"Though a man of warrior class is prohibited from raising arms against a disabled, I am compelled to swing my blade at you." said Horus raising his sword to land a blow.

I was distracted by an approaching girl, her eyes at brim. "Spare my brother", she pleaded in an anguished tone.

"O'fair maiden, your sibling has wronged our land, he is hand in gloves with the northen" said Horus.

Noticing his attempts to escape, Horus slashed through his prosthetic leg. Gul fell to the ground by her brother's side as he winced in pain. "I SHALL SEEK FOR CLEMENCY", shouted Hamir at the top of his lungs.

"You can either seek death or venegance" smirked Horus, defect to our side and I shall plea with the king for your safety. Horus fired a flair for soliders of his contingent to imprison and transport Hamir to the King's place.

Horus' train of thought was interrupted as Gul approached him. "I am survived by my brother, without him around I have no means of living."

Horus replied,"I shall send for helper folk of the royals, to see if they can arrange you a livelihood among them."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2023 ⏰

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