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Author Note.
I hope you'll enjoy this very first chapter.


(Citadel at large)

Everyone was looking at the humans with different expressions.

The Salarians, Turian and Quarians, got a similar feeling, looking at the female Human, as they did with looking at Asari, leading to more than a few of them looking away out of embarrassment.

For the Asari, they were over the moon at riding a species so similar to themselves, thinking it would be far easier to find common ground with them, and many of them cooed when a few pictures of baby humans came up, so similar to their own young, minus the fur of course.

To Elcor, they were more than happy to have a species so similar to the race that they were a Client of.

To the Krogan, they mostly looked on with a shrug, not seeming much potential in the pink, squishy species, but a few optimistic ones were still holding out hope.

For the Batarians though, they were practically window shopping.

Everyone's chatter ceased however when the countdown started.

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

HALO Appeared followed by a woman's voice.

"The eons of Human evolution invention, aspiration, and war, always war. The oldest and most enduring of Human practices." Said the voice.

"A hundred thousand years ago. A great civilization existed in this universe."

The scene shows a green garden planet, covering an advanced infrastructure on the entire planet.

The Citadel as a whole thought it was Prothean but it's not because of the city, the landscape and the beauty.

Then the meteor was on a collision course with that planet as it burned through the atmosphere and then it crashed into a magnificent city.

"Like all civilizations, they faced a sudden and dire turn of events. A threat to their primacy from the outside. Something they never expected, never prepared for, a deeply alien threat they called simply the Flood."

On the Crash sight. Something... unknown... Something monstrous emerged from the crater. Some sort of bio-alien material form of? The Citadel races sensed that whatever it was, It can't be good.

"An unstoppable force, with an unquenchable thirst."

(Mordin Clinic)

Mordin cupped his chin, stroking it slightly as he started mumbling, "Bio-life? Parasitic? interesting. If real must be kept from STG, would try to weaponize, might lead to catastrophic results."

Wrex however, could sense he was familiar with it. "Whatever it was... someone who lives on that planet better gear up and kill it before whatever that thing is doing." Wrex concern.

Tali felt the same, she felt afraid and caught a glimpse of the crash site. She thought she saw a growing mash like it was both insect and infectious.

Garrus is hoping that it's not what he thinks it is.

The spread of the Mush was akin to that of a virus and a wave. It reached every building and location within its grasp. Strangely, there was no evidence of a battle, as nobody seemed to have noticed its arrival.

"It devoured everything it touched."

An explosion emanates from the building as the Flood approaches, and their numbers seem to be multiplying rapidly.

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