episode 04. detached mind

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EPISODE 04 / blood in the water


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Amaira tapped her long nails— painted a perfect sage green— against the polished wooden desk. There was a low humming running somewhere in the back of her head. She tried to ignore the ache, push it away but all it did was make it throb even more.

God, I hate this class.

She licked her lips and winced when she noticed how unusually chapped they were. Her hand reached out to fumble inside her cream coloured handbag for her strawberry chapstick as her head grew fuzzier.

Fuck this headache.

It was at this moment the aroma of spicy floral perfume assaulted her senses and she raised her eyes to connect with electric green ones. The scent was sticky pink lemonade like, it felt sour and fiery at first but stay a little longer and you begin to notice the smooth and delicate texture to it.

"Hey, stranger." The intruder rested a hand on Amaira's table, her childish elegance giving her an aura of innocence— her voice— a sweet nectar as her eyes twinkled with an irresistible glow.

"Heather." A smile broke out across Amaira's face as she shook her head in adoration. The haziness of her brain had somehow dissolved in the lush green texture of siren eyes and there was a fluttering in her chest as if an excited humming bird trapped inside her ribcage had suddenly smelt the first romantic whiff of spring dew and pollen. "What are you doing here?"

"What?" Heather's lips dipped into an all too familiar frown. "I can't even come to see a friend, now?"

"Uh-huh." Amaira rolled her eyes as a playful look smeared her features for a brief moment and she crossed her arms. "After you ghosted me for a week."

"I didn't ghost you, I was busy!"

"Busy partying?"

A loud dramatic gasp escaped Heather's throat as she pressed a hand to her chest. "You wound me, young maiden. I do a lot other things than simply party all day and night."

Amaira raised a brow, shaking her head. "Such as?"

"I was on a vacation, alright?" Heather crossed her arms, haughtily raising her chin.

"Heather Valentin goes on a vacation and doesn't post anything about it on any of her socials? Hell will freeze over before that happens."

"I was on a break from social media." The girl in question  raised her hands towards the ceiling as if reaching out to an unseen force. Amaira could swear she saw some bright golden light shining above her head. "I was on a journey of self discovery and nirvana."

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Nov 20, 2023 ⏰

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