Royal Guard

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Cross was a servant and a guard for Nightmare. The king of negativity who loves causing pain as it gives him more power. the most high ranked person in the castle, Though Nightmare was always being hard on him, he still stayed loyal to him, He worked for him in exchange of food,home,and protection from him. they were a few people worked for nightmare too but cross was the most loyal to him, he always stayed by his side but made sure to keep distance of his tentacles because it would strike him, it happened more than once.

One night while nightmare was resting his head on his throne, Someone Shooted 3 arrors directly from nightmare, Cross then noticed thousands of souls hiding in the dark but two souls Cross noticed. Cross then reacted quickly and spawned 3 knifes to cut the arrow's off. Nightmare was not suprised to see dream and ink. Nightmare then speaked "Dream and Ink..i see u bought an army to ambush us again." Dream and Ink didnt wanna waste time they quickly Charged at Nightmare. Dream and Ink tried ambush nightmare and his gang to get back all the timelines he destroyed. but failed. While cross and the others were fighting the monsters, Nightmare was fighting dream and Ink. There was many dust and blood all around, when cross was done, he wanted to assist nightmare but was blocked by an wall made of ink. It was made by ink, Ink didn't want anyone to disturb the one on one with nightmare and his brother dream.

As the fightlasted for 4 hours, Cross was getting fraustrated, he was overthinking if nightmare was okay or not. The wall finally got shattered dream and ink managed to escape, cross saw nightmare was badly injured, Dust and Cross hurriedly carried nightmare to his room while horror,killer and error was looking for the magic med. After they found it they treated him. Dust then speaked "He will be okay he can heal himself after awhile."

As the others left Cross stayed on his side, Cross wanted to cuddle him, but didn't wanna wake him up, as he stared nightmare, a little purple blush appeared,after a while he fell asleep next to nightmare, cross was so tired, sleeping was rare for him, even though he wasn't made for lazy he still can get tired. After a few hours Nightmare noticed cross sleeping to him Nightmare smiled, a little blue blush was spotted. After a few minutes, Cross woked up and surprised to see nightmare staring and smiling at him, Cross quickly got up and bowed "Im sorry sir!." nightmare smiled and said "its okay besides u looked cute sleeping" Cross exploded with blush and hurriedly to the living room, The others noticed Cross blushing when he got out of the room, "Soo cross what did u guys do? Kiss,make out?" Killer teased. "We did nothing!" and went to his room still blushing thinking abt it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2023 ⏰

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