Chapter 1; Special Task

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Everybody has a darkness inside them and despite their frail attempts to deny the evil it grows everyday. Any tiny annoyance, the simplest discomfort, feeds your inner demon. It creates cruel hatred that burns your insides until finally it gets out.

The human brain can only take so much stress before it physically hurts to be good, so you slip up. Have a few drinks. Hire someone to kill your cheating boyfriend or nagging boss. The usual fucked up things.

I strive for those fucked up moments. I live for the darkness inside to be released, for when someone wants to get something done without dirtying their precious hands they call me. I make a living on others weaknesses. Like a lawyer except I skip the boring trials and go straight to the death penalty. So much easier that way. No need to worry about innocent or guilty considering everyone's guilty of something or else they wouldn't have pissed someone off and I wouldn't have a job.

I don't feel sad when I take a life. I don't feel anything. I wasn't trained to bitch about spilled blood. I have a job, I do it, and I'm the best there is...unfortunately I'm not the only mercenary in the world and we're all hungry for the next mission. Some I can work with (can't trust them but we get along). Then there are those who are plain psycho. I like to believe I'm a healthy balance between the two.

A humming ring blasted through my solitary apartment. The sudden noise broke my meditation pulling me out of my monologuing. With a groan I stood up picked up the cell phone I kept under my mattress.

"This is Cheshire."

"I was told you could help take care of unwanted problems." A Russian male asks. His cold tone implies that his demons have gotten out multiple times and he does not care. Me likey.

"Yes. What's the target?"

"A loose string that has become an annoyance. Sending you further information."

"You can afford me, right?"

I got the sense that he was smiling on the other end of the line, "of course my dear."

"Perfect. I'll contact you when the job is done."

Without another word my unknown client hung up. Seconds later the phone vibrated again.

My eyes scanned over the text. A sick grin grew across my face the more I read.

"Time to go to work."

Practically skipping I went into my closet, pressing down on the floor causing a hidden confinement to pop open. Inside the opening was a short dark green kimono, long black gloves, sharp Sai , and a white mask that had a wide toothy grin plastered on it.

I always get a wicked high when the costume comes on. It's like slipping into someone else's skin. I become someone different. I become something different.

Just to be clear on my target I check the message once more.

Winter Soldier. Funny code name to have in the summer.


"Something is wrong." I comment after the Captain carelessly tossed his star spangled shield in my direction. The lack of actually trying allowed me to easily dodge it.

There is a distraction running through his patriotic mind. I do not need my powers to detect it either. His whole stance is slumped and there are bags under his eyes. It's as if a ghost has deprived him of sleep...I'm aware of what that could be like.

"It's nothing. You're getting better at fighting, but." Easily he swept my feet out from underneath me and I fell, "you still let your mind wonder too much. You have to concentrate Wanda."

Smirking I draw energy to my finger tips then clasp my hand into a fist. The instant my hand shuts Steve tumbles to the training ground.

"Cheating." Cap groans.

"It is called using an advantage." I reply with a sassy grin.

"Back in my day you didn't need glowing hands to take out an opponent."

"Rogers you're doing that thing again were you sound like a grandpa." Sam jokes as he enters the Avengers training facility.

Both me and Steve let out an amused chuckle as Sam helps us up.

"I thought you were helping Natasha track down the Quinjet Banner was last on."

"Yeah I was.." Sam gives me a sideway glance before pulling Cap aside.

I can barely hear their conversation but the words lost friend make their way in my ear.

"You found him?" Steve practically shouts, his earlier exhaustion extinguished.

"I've got a lead yeah." Even Sam's smiles seems brighter.

"Who was found?" I question making both of them jump. Clearly I was forgotten until now.

"Um no one-Banner. Sam found Bruce."

I arch a brow. Steve is a horrendous liar.

"Falcon and I are going to pick him up-"

"I'll come with."

"No!" He and Sam yell at the same time.

"It's just last time you saw Bruce he was at your throat. We can't risk setting him off. Natasha will continue your training."

I'm sick and tired of training. With my abilities I do not require hand-to-hand combat skills. It is pointless.

Instead of complaining, like my brother would have, I nod and remain silent.

Still I'm aware of my teammates secrets and I do not appreciate being lied to.

I'll find out what they're hiding. Even if I must my powers to do so.

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