- ONE -

22 3 0

One of the heirs from the Choi,  which the family takes over half of the country, is currently laying together, in one bed , with a man that he has never seen before.  To make it even worse, the smaller one is putting his arms around the taller one. Maybe the bed is too comfortable, the taller one turns around and then the tips of both noses touch each other and their breathes softly hit on their exposed skin. The smaller one lifts his chin up a bit til his lips brush against the tip of the other one's nose. The moment they slowly open their eyes, a massive noise bursts in the room.

“Hi Mr.Choi , I am from the magazines. Sorry I didn't inform you before I-OH MY GOD”

The lady in suit almost drops her camera.


Choi Beomgyu shoots up from his bed and immediately pushes whoever that is beside him and that poor someone falls off the bed with a groan .


“You...you two sleep together ?”

“WHAT NO LIKE TWO MEN SLEEP TOGETHER ?NO MA'AM NO” Beomgyu wants to puke in fear.

“Technically yes but realistically also yes” A younger voice comes up from the floor. A hand grabs the bed sheet and successfully supports himself to stand up.

Beomgyu wants to faint.

“Like we actually spent a good night together on one bed, as you see my lady”

The lady has her jaw on the ground but not forgetting to take a picture to store this moment. She opens her mouth but can't figure out what to say .

“Who's the top ?”

“See who's standing up and who's not ”

Beomgyu wants to faint again.


The youngest son of the Choi, was spotted with a man on the same hospital bed.

Clothes? Messed up

Face ? Sus

Posture  ? Undeniable

But that's all right. Who will ever care about a useless dumb trust fund baby ? His brother must be glad to know this news.

A dumb, memory-lost, gay younger brother can never be the heir, yeah ?

News are all talking about it but no-one is caring about it. Choi Beomgyu is stupid, and easy to kill. 

And Choi Beomgyu himself doesn't recall anything from the past but his own name and the fact that he is rich,  nothing else.

“I wonder if I have never done anything to you that you have to do that to me ”.he bursts, once the crowd leaves the room .

“ok sorry, i didn't mean to get you in trouble actually ” the shorter one laughed dryly.

“Then why are you doing this ?!”
Beomgyu is close to a breakdown.

“well.come on , that didn't do much damage huh ?Look, none of them care about it, and your family is okay with it. Why are you concerned ? ” the shorter one says

“anyway , for your information,  I am Kang Taehyun, 21 years old and Korean” he pauses,referring back to his file, “that should be accurate ”

Beomgyu stops his mental breakdown and spends a moment looking up at the other one. “you lose your memories too?”

“Speaking from what I know now, yes”
Taehyun shrugs. 

“That doesn't explain why you are here in my fucking bed !” Beomgyu gasps.

Taehyun blinks and smiles, “ah you swear ”

He takes a moment taking a deep breathe as he continues,  “look Beomgyu,  I don't know what happened to me and to you. Maybe I was a freak that love cuddle with strangers but I have no memories about the past”

“I didn't mean to make them think you...or we are gay and make love in a hospital bed ”
he pauses when Beomgyu is raising up a fork from the food tray,.“I wasn't trying to get things complicated”

Beomgyu tries to calm down as much as he can, “Choi Beomgyu,  22 and possibly is a college student I guess” Taehyun smiles sheepishly and he is ready to start speaking when the room is slapped open again.

Judging by the look and attuide,  It should be Beomgyu's older brother Choi So Jun . He is smiling, a bit too happily, with a basket of fruits and flowers and whatever those are, glancing at both.

“Beomgyu and ... Taehyun,  nice to see you two. I wasn't shocked to know about your relationship, and I was very happy for you ”

Taehyun frowns slightly,  not very visible, though.

“Most importantly,  i am here to deliver a good news!” So Jun smiles even wider.

Beomgyu can't help but frowns for some reason, he has no idea who this man is but he is feeling something werid, too weird to be good.

“ We have decided to give you two one of our mansion to stay in as to celebrate your relationship ! Beomgyu,  your belongings and all have been sent there already !”

He leans in , very close to Beomgyu,  and looks him in eyes, “it must be hard to forget everything my young brother but that's alright. I will take care of you well”

Beomgyu is sure that this fucker is up to no good.

“well thankyou , I am happy to see you too, Beomgyu's brother” Taehyun stands in front of Beomgyu and bows slightly with a tight smile.

“don't be nervous,  you are Beomgyu's boyfriend, and it is normal to treat you well”

Beomgyu and Taehyun both feel something inside their heart, a feeling of uneasiness.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2023 ⏰

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