Clown Statue

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A girl in her teens, was babysitting for a family one night. The family was wealthy and had a very large house with many rooms filled with lots of old artefacts and ornaments from all over the world. As the family are leaving to go out the father tells the girl that once the she puts the kids down she should go down to the basement and watch TV there, and don't go wandering about the house.

scary-ghost-stories-for-kids-at-halloween-clownOnce the kids are asleep, the girl retires to the basement room to watch TV, but in the corner of the room is a life-size clown statue that is standing there grinning at her. He can't concentrate on the TV so she decides to drape a blanket over the statue so she can ignore it. After a while she can't stand looking at the clown statue's over-sized feet sticking out from under the blanket and she decides she would like to go and watch TV in another room. She phones the father of the family to ask his permission and says that she is freaked out by the giant clown statue in the room.

'Listen very carefully' the man says to the girl.

'Our children have been complaining about a clown that comes into their room in the middle of the night but we just thought it was nightmares. We don't own a clown statue, you need to get the kids and get out of the house NOW! I'll call the police.

The girl hangs up the phone and turns around to face the clown statue, but all there is a blanket on the floor...

Scary StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora