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Your voice rang out, while the caller on the other end sighed.

"I know, Y/N. You've said that three times now." She sighed.

"But I can't! What am I supposed to do?" You asked, shaking your phone violently.

For a few weeks now, you sat in your chair, hunched over your desk, and did nothing but that and eat.

You were tired, and angry.

Angry, because you were experiencing something some people called a writer's block.

"You've got to figure it out by yourself, Y/N. Your readers are waiting for a new chapter." The woman on the phone responded, a slightly agitated tone ringing through your ears.

"I know, I know! I'm just...stuck! I don't know what to draw!" You whined, like a child.

"Okay, Y/N. Get it together! You're trending! You can't let this fame slip away so easily! You're a young, mysterious manga author, with thousands of fans! You've published three books in your series so far, and each one has been a hit! You can't stop now!" Her voice, which you weren't sure was angry or encouraging, blasted through the speaker of your phone.

You lifted your legs to your chest, and rocked back and forth on your chair.

The room rang with silence, as you started to brainstorm ideas.

"I just...need motivation! I need to get inspiration!" You decided, leaning forward into your desk.

"Yes! Okay! Would you like me to find you the soonest soccer game in your area?" The woman asked, happy that you wanted to get to work.

"No need, Yhoru! I'm contacting someone right now!" You assured her, tapping your fingers speedily across your keyboard.

"M'kay, Y/N. When your next volume of Kick Off! releases, I better hear it's flying off the shelves." Yhoru warned slightly.

"Uh huh! Bye, Yhoru!" You sang, before hanging up.

Your eyes quickly skimmed down the long list of contact numbers you had written down on a google doc.

Finally, they landed on the one you were looking for.

"Jinpachi Ego." You breathed, reciting the name before dialling the number beside it.

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