And Who is Who?

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"Then what's wrong with him?" They both thought for a moment. Mike went through all the possible reasons Will could hate him.

Jane gasped. "It's not him," she insisted. "How didn't we notice? It's not him."

Mike tilted his head. "It's not him? Then who is it? Looks like Will to me."

"The Mind Flayer," Jane said. Mike raised an eyebrow. The Mind Flayer was in the Upside Down. There was no way for it to get to Will. "Think about it," Jane continued. "Remember after Will shot Jonathan and he had that vision when he touched him?"

"The Mind Flayer was leaving Jonathan and entering him," Mike realized. "Oh my god, he's possessed." Jane nodded. "Well... Well we have to help him, right? What are we gonna do?"

"Warn the others first," Jane said. "He might hurt them, so we have to make sure everyone knows that's not actually him before he hurts anyone or tears us further apart. I think that's what he's doing. Harder to save the world if we hate each other."

Mike was already halfway to the door. "Let's go, then! I'll drive."

They were back at the house in no time, Mike going above the speed limit, which Jane called him out on many times, but Mike didn't care at the moment.

Jane jumped out of the passenger side, barely waiting for Mike as she ran up the stairs to the house. Mike managed to keep up with her, barely. They stood there for a moment after Jane rang the bell. Mike was jumpy with anticipation.

Dustin answered the door, scrunching his face up when he saw Mike and Jane. "You two? We thought maybe you wouldn't come."

"Dustin," Mike said urgently. "You have to listen. Will's possessed by the Mind Flayer. Whatever you heard about me or Jane from him, it's not true. He's trying to make us hate each other, Dustin. Listen."

Dustin stared for a second. "That sounds awfully like an excuse. We defeated the Mind Flayer, remember, Mike? Or were you too busy tricking Will with all your-"

"Dustin! I'm not tricking anyone! We didn't do anything!"

"No use," said Jane. "He got him already. He probably did something to his mind." She put up her hand, pushing Dustin back with an invisible force. "Sorry, Dustin, but we have to get in."

"Guys!" Dustin yelled. "They got in! Watch out! GUYS!"

Jane and Mike walked into the living room. Everyone ran to meet them, not exactly happy to see the duo back from the diner.

Lucas crossed his arms. "What are you doing? Are you on her side now, Mike?"

"Makes sense," added Max. "Considering he's... him. Get out of the house, both of you. Or we'll have to fight you, and I don't want to fight you."

"Listen," said Mike. "Will's possessed by the Mind Flayer. You can't listen to him."

Lucas laughed. "Well, the Mind Flayer is one hell of an actor. Will just poured his heart out to us about you, Mike. Don't think we're going to believe either of you. It's no use trying to convince us, so go."

"The Mind Flayer isn't even here," Dustin mentioned again, joining his friends. "You guys are just sick."

Will stood behind his new group of clueless followers, smirking at Mike and Jane in victory while the others couldn't see. Mike was infuriated with him. He wanted to beat the Mind Flayer out of his friend (perhaps without hurting Will, although).

"The Mind Flayer got into Will when he had the vision after he shot it out of Jonathan. Doesn't it make sense?" Jane was saying, backing up as the others got closer. "You're making a mistake by believing him. You have to help us save the real Will."

"I am the real Will," the Mind Flayer hissed in Will's voice. "Stop trying to trick them. We're done falling for whatever you two are up to. Get out."

Mike made a frustrated motion with his arms. He looked to Dustin and Lucas, pleading. "What would be my motive for working with Jane if she were evil? How would I gain at all from that." He groaned. "I've worked with you my whole life to stop the Upside Down. It would be stupid to try and open it again. You can't seriously believe that!"

"Well-" Dustin tried to argue, stopping to look at his friend. "He's kinda got a point, Lucas. Why the hell would Mike be evil out of nowhere?"

"Did you hear about all the things he did?" Will cried. "Wanting to take over the world isn't that surprising, is it? Maybe they're offering him something." He pointed a finger of accusation straight to Mike's chest.

"You're awfully defensive," Dustin said, turning to face the boy, suspicion growing across his face.

"Of course I am! I don't know what they're trying to do!" Will yelled. "Are you on their side now, Dustin?" He looked at Max and Lucas. "I bet he is. He's finally lost it because he was the last one to join the friend group and nobody actually likes him." Will laughed. "Oh yeah, everyone hates you, Dustin."

"Woah," said Lucas, walking towards Dustin and putting a hand on his shoulder. "Dustin's my best friend!" He squinted. "And he's Will's best friend too."

Will sighed. "Don't lie to me, Lucas. Remember all those times you told Will about how much you hated Dustin? I heard them, every single time. You think he's annoying, right?"

"He's making stuff up," Lucas said. "I'd never do that, Dustin. You know I'd never do that."

Dustin nodded. "Let Will go."

The Mind Flayer laughed again, almost doubling over in Will's body. "You don't understand. Will doesn't want to come back, he let me in! He wants me to take over, he's on my side! None of you appreciated him anyway. He's happy with this so I suggest you let him be."

Mike shook his head. "You're lying again. He wouldn't do that, he hates you. Let him go."

Will shook his head. "I'm not lying, Mike," he said, melodic. "The last he heard from all of you is how much you secretly hated him."

"We were tricking you!" Max yelled. "We don't actually hate him, we were distracting you while he went to get the gun." She gritted her teeth. "Don't tell me you used that against him, did you? You're making a big mistake by messing with him, believe me." She lunged, falling to the ground as Will quickly dodged, inhuman reflexes. The others tried desperately to grab him, missing as he ran out the door.

Mike followed on his tail, bolting out of the house and chasing him down the street in a rainstorm. "Get back here!" he screamed. "Stop!"

The Mind Flayer continued running, faster than Mike could manage to keep up with. Mike went as fast as he possibly could, ignoring his other friends' calls to stop and how cold and drenched he became over time. He ran probably further and faster than he ever had in his life, not thinking about how tired he was, just putting one foot in front of the other and trying to catch Will. The Mind Flayer had a strong endurance, though, eventually leaving Mike in the dust.

Mike collapsed to his knees in a puddle as he watched his possessed friend fade into the distance, unable to see him through the wall of thick rain coming down from the black night sky. He made a weak attempt to outstretch his arm as if he could grab the boy from so much distance. "Come back!" he shrieked. "COME BACK!" The boy had magically disappeared into the shadows of the rainy night, leaving Mike to sit in the pooling light of a streetlamp, water collecting on his arms and hair.

Byler- The Unwanted Return of Everything (And How It Finally Ends)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu