The beast -Uzi- drew back in shock, her screen flickering. Her hold on him immediately dropped, his body quickly falling to the ground, as she threw herself away from him. He could hear her voice returning as familiar panicked gasps broke into her wailing before quickly being overtaken by something more easily identifiable as sobbing was heard. "Uzi?", he asked, not getting up from once again being face-down in the snow, "I know you're overheating, Uzi".

"N-N! I j-just-", she sobbed, "I just tried to k-kill you! And you're just-".

He turned his head to face her, false eyes unblinking, "you've already hurt me enough, just put me out of my misery already".

Her head shook him a negative furiously, "what are you even saying? I'm not gonna do that! I'm s-sorry I hurt you! I didn't mean to!".

"Is it fun having your finger over everything I do?", unblinking yellow peered back at hallowed purple.

"N, wha... What are you talking about?", she looked at him in such confusion.

His head rolled elsewhere briefly before rolling back to address her, "all the weird stuff you've been doing around me lately".

She was silent for a moment. "N, you've... also been acting weird around me lately".

"What do you have to hide from me? I thought I could trust you", he blinked as a tinge of pain coursed through him.

Uzi took a few steps back on instinct, her tail making sharp coiled movements. Her eyes were wide and wild. "No, no! I can't! I c-cant-".

"Uzi!", he shouted as emotion finally returned to him, "you know how much doing that hurts me!".

She blinked, digital tears appearing in her display, "if... If I do that then I'll... ruin... w-what we have".

Pulling himself into a sitting position, he asked, "Uzi? We're already messing up pretty bad. Just come clean about it".

Her wings took a protective curl around her, "N, you don't understand. You'll... want... to...".

"Want to what?".

Her teeth bared at him as she wailed, "because you'll want to leave me! You already don't want me around, it's gonna ruin everything!".

The two remained in the snow as Uzi closed her wings around herself. He could hear gentle sobs in her direction, and he was truthfully feeling a little ashamed of how this was going. Sure, she was hiding something like V, but this was a completely new reaction, something he'd never seen from either of them.

After a moment, he got up and walked over to her. "Hey, Uzi?", he asked, taking a hold on her wings so he could look at her, "just tell me and I'll tell you what you want to know".

"...Are you sure?", an eye looked back at him through her hands covering her face.

"No more secrets", he added.

She hesitated before saying, "sure". Her wings unveiled her as she finished getting herself into a calmer state. "I'll start", she began, "I, uh, realized...".

"That?", he suggested, a little nervous to get it over with.

"That I...".


"I kinda...".

He eyed her anxiously, "like".

"Like?", she exclaimed. They both gasped as their respective sentences seemed to line up. Anxiety was in the air as Uzi held a hand up, "o-on three?", she asked.

"Yeah", he nodded.

Her fingers counted down from three and the two drones said at the same time the last word of the sentence.

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