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Sunlight was seeping in from the windows as N stared down the object on the table in front of him. He figured he probably should have picked an apartment on the other side of the building, but at this point the sunlight hit the door out, leaving him trapped within this apartment. He absentmindedly rubbed an arm, burn apparent on it, while lost in thought.

On the table in front of him, was the jar of Uzi's oil she'd given him.

Stupid. He was stupid. He'd gotten himself into this situation and now Uzi would end up being the one saving him. While out searching the city for supplies, he had ended up losing track of time, forcing him to take shelter where he was. From his exposure to the sun, overheat was starting to set in, causing him to withdraw this cursed object.

Sure, he'd tasted her oil before, but something about this felt way more wrong than it did when he accused her of it being a fresh kill.

He didn't have to wonder why he felt that way.

The idea of drinking her oil now felt... way more personal than it really should have. She'd blushed when she gave it to him and he ignored that fact. Now, it was a fact he couldn't ignore. Drinking this now felt like admitting that she probably did like him.

She probably did, right?


He could feel his body spike a few digits hotter at the idea. Some selfish part of him wanted it to be true only to be squished by the idea of her manipulating him like it felt like everyone he'd ever known did. Everyone seemed to have some hidden agenda with him, and he was starting to pick up on that fact. So if she liked him, why wasn't she more upfront about it?

He supposed, then, that the answer was staring him down in front of him.

This personal, but weird, weird gift.

N picked up the jar carefully, as if it could turn into a deadly creature at any moment. With a small circular motion of his wrist, the liquid inside sloshed around in the container which he looked at in hunger. Life-saving oil - Uzi's oil. Robo-God did he really want to drink it.

Uzi's oil, the thought stopped him. This came from Uzi, his best friend and most important person to him at the moment who he was certainly not repressing feelings for. Nope. This container of her liquid essence, the most valuable part of her according to his mechanical stomach and function. Her prized oil, all for him to gulp greedily down his mechanical throat, letting her cool him down and soothe him as she did in-person.

It was a good thing he had a nice sized jar of her to go after. He'd rather drink from the source, though. Yeah, that'd be pretty romantic. She would give him permission, looking at him with a cute flustered pout probably. She'd offer her wrist, but he would decline, asking for another spot. With a shaking hand, he'd unzip her hoodie, earning another flustered look from the pint-sized emo. She'd ask him why he's so nervous and he would have no doubt that he would look like a shaking, timid dog about the whole thing. A blurted apology, followed by asking her if he could bite into her upper torso. He'd want to bite into her neck if he could, instead opting to bite on the shoulder around it. He'd hesitate, he knew he would, and Uzi would tell him to hurry up and do it. Contact. Her oil on his lips and in his mouth. Savoring, tasting her like it would be the last oil he would ever have...

After feeding, he'd ask her if she's ok. She'd be honest about it. Maybe, hopefully. Their faces would be so close to each other, he'd feel himself blush. Without thinking, he'd move forward and... k-kiss her?

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