Suddenly disgusted with his fantasies, he put the item back onto the table and held his arms close to him. That got weird real fast. N's eyes caught on a small nearby mirror, catching sight of his state.

"You are so messed up ", he said to the pathetic drone he saw in the mirror. The pathetic, wet dog of a Disassembler who looked back at him with the most flustered screen he'd ever seen.

Gross. He was gross. He felt gross for that. He couldn't just think those thoughts about Uzi. What if she thought he was weird and pathetic and started ignoring him like V used to? Uzi was the best friend he's ever had, though. Maybe it wouldn't be such a big deal? Uzi was cool and understanding, maybe even entertained similar thoughts about him. What would those even be like...?

Their kissing got a little out of hand at this point. N got a little rough on accident and scraped something, he could tell by how he was licking off her oil from her lips. Some good ol nanite saliva could fix that. Just a sneaky little deployment of repair nanites. Deepening the kiss, she let his tongue meet hers and enter-

"Weird, weird! Stop thinking!", he fumed as he slapped himself out of it. Oh Robo-God, the sensory details on that one were so strong. The taste, he needed the taste.

With a shaking hand, he twisted off the cap to the jar and took a few desperate gulps of the oil from within. It quickly incorporated itself into his insides, cooling him down. Setting the jar and cap down, it sunk in what he did. He really just did that, huh? He really let himself indulge in some selfish fantasy to get himself to drink that.

The mirror caught his attention again and the disheveled drone he saw in it. A small trickle of oil ran down from his mouth, causing him to wipe it off without thinking about it. His eyes caught it on his hand, though. It'd be a shame for it to go to waste.

Especially since it was Uzi's.

He flashed a cold look to the stupid, pathetic drone in the mirror, "I'm not the one in love with her or... something , you are". As he licked up the oil off his hand, he never tore his eyes off that mirror. "I don't like her that way, you're the weird one here. She's just manipulating you... You're the stupid one falling for it", he tried to spit out his feelings, only for it to come out sounding like he was reading off a script.

He still hadn't closed the jar, that cursed thing. With careful hands, he took the jar and the lid. The contents of the jar distracted him again. He took careful note of how much was still in it. Thankfully, he hadn't drank too much of it. Suddenly, he felt bad about it. He'd just drank some of this important and personal liquid and he didn't even savor it. How rude. The temperature in his body was still higher than normal, so it wouldn't hurt to take another sip, right?

Fluster returned as he brought the item to his mouth. The liquid within was inky black, he wasn't quite sure where the glass ended and the oil began. Saliva filled his mouth in anticipation. The liquid poured out of the container and into his waiting mouth. Close. Savor. It wasn't warm, but it sure was sweet. As sweet as the favor of being gifted this in the first place.

His eyes shifted to the mirror again briefly. In a way, he felt like how he imagined she must've felt when she gave him it. It was obvious that she was going through several different emotions at once, he felt much in the same place. His fluster remained, reminding him of that in particular. Some subconscious desire to see her like that again flared up.

Purple just looked really good with yellow.

But he still didn't like her like that, though. Refused to accept that. What did Uzi even see in him anyway? He knows, remembers what she said about that to heart, but how? Why did it have to be him? And her, too. She was an incredible friend who shouldn't have to settle for a guy like him.

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