"Good, because he is. A jerk."

Dustin sighed. "And why do you think he's a jerk? Like, anything specific?"

Mike tried to find a specific example. It was more of little things and things that were hard to explain. "I don't know. Just jokes he's made and stuff he says. I mean, I spent an entire night with those two. Do you know what Brad did when Will had a vision? Nothing. He said it was just a nightmare and he'd be fine."

Dustin leaned forward. "A nightmare? While he's walking around with his eyes rolled back and screaming?"

Mike imitated Brad's voice. " It was dark!"

"Oh my god, that's so stupid."

Mike smiled. "Yeah, glad you get the point. Anyway, here's the problem. I kinda confessed to Will that I loved him yesterday and told him that Brad reminded me of Lonnie."

Dustin stared for a second. "Wow. Okay. Yeah, now it makes sense that he's mad."

Mike shook his head. "But does it? Like, I have a point! He can't stay with that guy."

"Okay, yeah, maybe, but yikes, Mike. Lonnie? That might have been a little strong. What exactly did you say?"

Mike laughed nervously. "I... Uh, I said that if he stayed with Brad he'd end up like Joyce."

"Yeah, what the hell, Mike? That might have been a bit too forward."

Mike rolled his eyes. "It's true though. I didn't say anything I didn't mean. He just has to realize I'm right and I don't want him to figure it out the hard way." Mike sighed and looked at his friend for advice. "I guess my question is: What do I do?"

Dustin stared blankly. "You're in deep shit, Mike. I don't know if I can help."

Mike lay down, groaning. "You're no help. Thanks a lot." He just needed someone's advice. He had no idea what to do and Dustin summed it up pretty perfectly: He was in deep shit.

"Okay, fine. Here's the best I've got." Dustin cleared his throat, about the reveal his life-saving plan. Mike was somewhat excited. Then it came: "Just talk to him."

"What?" Mike sat up, confused by the simplicity of the answer. "You think I haven't tried talking?"

"Well, I know you've probably tried, but you've gotta make him listen. Don't bring it up right away. Just ease into the conversation. Talk about something else with him. Then not only are you gonna fix the problem but you're also spending more time with him."

Mike nodded, satisfied. "Alright, I guess that's pretty good, but how do you suggest I start this conversation up in the first place?"

"Just start talking to him. That easy. Preferably when he's alone. Don't bring up Brad or anything going on right now at all. Just talk."

Mike continued to take it in. "You know, you've got surprisingly good advice, Dustin."

"How do you think I've managed to keep up a long-distance relationship for six years? I'm just really good at this love life stuff for some reason. Suzie says I'm easy to communicate with."

Mike's eyes widened. "You're still dating her?" Mike had honestly thought Suzie was a thing of the past. Apparently, it hadn't just been young love.

Dustin smiled triumphantly. "Seven-year anniversary is just around the corner! We've even exchanged promise rings."

Mike leveled his eyelids. "Promise rings? Really?"

"What's wrong with promise rings?"

"They sound dorky."

"Okay, you have no right to say that." Dustin crossed his arms defensively. "Don't make me remind you of some of the gifts you gave Jane back in middle school. Or even Will for that matter. Remember the jar?"

"What jar?" Mike did not remember the jar.

Dustin lit his face up mockingly. " Reasons you're my best friend!" He made a rainbow motion. "Lucas and I made fun of you behind your back for days. Where did you think of that?"

Mike laughed, the memory of the jar coming back to him. He had given it to Will on his thirteenth birthday, full of pieces of paper with all his favorite things about him. "I saw Nancy give something similar to Jonathan and I thought it was cool. Don't make fun of it. It was nice."

"Then don't make fun of my promise ring." Dustin flashed his hand in front of Mike, displaying the silver band. Mike tried not to laugh. It was still dorky.

"Okay, fine. Back to the Will thing. You really think that's gonna work?"

Dustin rolled his eyes. "Mike, I know that's gonna work. I can see it. He just wants to normally talk to you. He gets frustrated when you bring up Brad. I think he's conflicted. He doesn't know what to do. If you let him just talk to you. Just normally, maybe he'll realize how much better of a person you are." Dustin shrugged. "I don't know. Makes sense to me, but you can do whatever you want."

"No, no. I'm gonna use that. That's good."

Byler- The Unwanted Return of Everything (And How It Finally Ends)Where stories live. Discover now