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It had been days and no reply from Calvin. I began to wonder if it was me, how I looked, smel- * ping * LEAFY.

He had finally messaged back after 3 days, ' sorry, been busy. ' he said, he then followed up with ' so Felix, what's your name? ' I got shocked that leafy my lord, no my saviour would ever message me. ' it's Felix Leafy Chan ' I got nervous.

Our chats went like this:
Leafy' ' ok '
Me: so l-le-leafy uwu
Leafy: call me Calvin.
Me: yes c-catin. Me-meow.
Leafy: * blushes *

I sent ' N-Nya leafy ' but my message wasn't responded to for awhile, in that time I listened to mo surprises by Raido head. I laid down, staring at my celling, wishing for a better life, that feeling off thinking you're appreciated then having it ripped from you so fast and easy, I felt pure emptynesa, the feeling you get when you know bad news is coming your way, it's cold and lonely, suffocating. Isolating. I wallowed away, I felt crushed by the burden of existence and like those around me were mearly spectators in which was soon to be a crime scene. Every time I looked at myself I saw someone who shouldn't be. Someone who doesn't have the right to be amount others so grand and inspiring, so outstanding, everything seemed to be happening outside of my body, like I was watching myself loose me but I no longer had the energy to wake up from the dream I felt I was existent in. Then leafy posted. ' This Sjw wants to fight me. '

I felt alive again.

It was some " they them " woman. She had plue hair and piercings, LOSER. Im glad me and leafy aren't gay. Lol. I searched the comments on leafys video, that's when I saw ' Leafy reply to my discord msg ily bb , commented by tomato36. I was being two timed.

Forever a gamer. Leafy x me. Where stories live. Discover now