He still found himself doing stupid things because of it.

"What's this?", N asked.

She shrugged nonchalantly and wiggled the container in her hand, "a gift. Take it".

He took the item from her into his hands and gave it a look over. "A container? What's inside it?".

"Oil". He couldn't help but notice the nervous look on her face.

Suspicion. Where did she get it from? Fear.

"Uzi?", his reply was measured, "...whose oil is this?".

She looked taken aback, "what?".

"Did you... hurt someone for it? Like what happened back at ca-".

"N, no. It's- It's...", she looked away with a tinge of blush gracing her display, "it's my oil...".

He blinked. "Uzi, you can tell me if you did something wrong. If it's not yours-".

"N!", she snapped, "why would I lie about that?".

His gaze shifted back to the container and then back to her. "It's... a weird gift, Uzi. Why would you give me your own oil?". She was silent for a few moments and he could almost see the gears turning in her head. Something was off to him.

At last she finally spoke, "because... I was working on something earlier and uh, my hand kinda got cut off".

Alarmed, he looked at her hands before remembering that she'd told him it regrew when V cut it off at camp. "Which hand?", he asked.

"Same one that got cut off before. Starting to think the universe just really hates my left hand", she replied, "N, you're not looking this gift horse in the mouth enough".

He pointed at the container, "if I were to taste your oil and this, they'd taste the same, right?".

She looked deflated, "if that convinces you...".

He sighed and opened the container, the liquid within the typical dark sludge he was familiar with. N put his tongue in it for a taste and noted it. He closed the container. "Next, you", he stated.

Uzi blushed as she offered him the arm that hadn't been cut. He cupped the appendage in his hands carefully before looking at her for permission. She nodded, and he plunged in a bit. After a moment to taste her, he realized she wasn't lying. Oh...

He felt bad.

Why did he think she'd lie to him? Why did he even give in to that suspicion?

A certain other Disassembly Drone entered his mind. Of course, he's still hung up over her secret-keeping and he was appalled that he thought the same of Uzi.

His eyes nervously met hers, "Uzi, I am so sorry I thought that you were lying".

She raised a brow at him, "why would you think I was lying?".

"I...", a hand flew to his neck, "jumped to conclusions, I think".

Her eyes met his worried look. "N, you know I wouldn't lie to you, right?".

"I know". I want to believe that at least... "Uzi?".


"...Why did you want to give me your oil? Couldn't you just slurp it back up or just... leave it?".

Her screen lit up at the question. "I, uh, I just couldn't leave it there and uh... I thought... you might want to...". She shook her head suddenly, "it's stupid isn't it? I'm stupid. This gift is stupid".

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