"Lena!" Maddie called out. "In my room!" I yelled back.

A few seconds later the door flew open and Maddie was standing there.

"A special someone is here for you." She smirked. I instantly jumped out of my bed and ran downstairs.

There he was.

I jumped on him, wrapping my legs around his waist and nuzzling my head into his neck.

"Hi, Lena." He laughed.

I lifted my head from his neck and saw his smile. That beautiful smile.

"Hi, Teo." I smiled back. I heard a scoff and lowered myself out of Teo's arms.


"Still not sure how comfortable I am with my best friend dating my little sister." He said, a disgusted look on his face.

"You'll manage." Maddie walked in and rolled her eyes at Enzo.

"Madeleine." Enzo teased.

"Asshole." Maddie smirked. Enzo flipped her off and walked upstairs, into his room.

Maddie rolled her eyes again and followed behind him.


"Oh my god." I groan, throwing my brush on my vanity and lying my head in my arms.

My hair is naturally curly and usually I just straighten it, but I was rushing and decided to just wear it curly.

But now, Teo will be here in less than five minutes and I'm sat here, struggling with the fucking rat's nest on my head.

Just then, I hear a light chuckle from my doorway. I lift my head from my vanity and turn around, meeting Matteo's eyes.

"What's wrong, Lena?" He smiled, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my head.

"My hair just isn't working right." I huff.

He lets out another chuckle and lifts his chin from my head. "Let me help, mi amor."

I laid my head back on his chest while he stood behind me and grabbed my brush beginning to style my hair.

I closed my eyes as my entire body relaxed under his touch. After a few minutes, I didn't feel his hands in my hair anymore and I opened my eyes.

"Done." He smiled at me through the mirror. He put my hair into two braids with little ribbons at the ends.

"Where did you find ribbons?" I furrowed my brows.

"You had them in your hair when you came over once and you left them, so I've just kept them with me." He explained.

A smile grows on my face as he kisses my neck lightly and then pulls away.

"You should wear your hair like this more often and I'll even help you if you need it." He said, grabbing my hand and lifting me from my chair.

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