~ Chapter 24 ~

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I refused to tell him though about Harry. I already know what he would say and I knew if I heard it I would probably shut Harry out, and as much as I want to talk to someone about it all, my parents couldn't be those people.

Although I really needed to find out about these letters that Harry is talking about.

I didn't want to believe Harry was lying about them, because what would that even gain him? Absolutely nothing, so it doesn't make sense, but I honestly have no idea what he's talking about.

My parents have to know something about them, right? Harry is adamant he sent them to this address, and unless his letters coincidentally got lost in the mail several times, one of them knows something. I wouldn't think my dad would do something like that, but honestly with how angry he was at Harry after he left, there's no telling what my dad would do if he saw letters from him.

On the other hand my mom never liked Harry, and her feelings didn't change after his departure, so there'd be no surprise if she was the one who did something to them.

The other thing is I can't exactly bring up the letters unless I bring up Harry.

My parents would find it suspicious if I randomly brought up some letters without saying where I got this information from. Also I don't even know the last time that the 3 of us have even mentioned Harry in a conversation, it was probably before I even met Hudson, so quite some time ago.

Overall, I can't think of an unsuspecting way to bring the letters up to them.

I'll have to try and search for them.

My dad let us know when the hamburgers were done, and I left mom in charge of the kids in the pool so I could get out and get Theo's and I's plates ready. Theo was only a fan of ketchup and cheese on his burgers so I fixed that up for him along with a bag of chips.

We all ate on the side of the pool, it would've been a lot to dry the babies off just to put them back in again. I used my feet to keep them floating near me, and practically ate my burger in seconds so I could get back in the water with them.

We played in the water for a little less than 2 hours, Theo was having so much fun and it was refreshing to watch him full of nonstop smiles. My dad and I also were able to catch up on a lot of things as the two of us held onto a baby each. It was quite a fun day so far.

I knew we would have to leave soon however, and I haven't had a minute alone to go look for what I want to look for. Deciding I needed to do it now, I asked my parents to keep an eye on the kids while I go inside and clean up first.

They agreed and I headed inside to quickly dry off and change my clothes. I only had a few minutes before they'd be wondering what I was doing, so I ran across the other side of the house to the office. My mom's desk was on one side and my dad's on the other. I shrugged and went through my dad's desk first.

I pulled open every drawer, assuming they'd be tossed away in a pile since they were so old and probably forgotten about. The bottom drawer had tons of opened mail in it and countless envelopes, so I rushed to sort through all of them.

I didn't find a single one addressed to me, or with Harry's name on it.

I groaned and switch over to my mom's desk. Hers was a lot more organized than my dads which was nice. I just hope I didn't end up accidentally missing them since I'm rushing around like crazy. When I didn't see any letters in my mom's desk either, I sighed.

And what if they don't even have them anymore at all? Who knows, they could've shredded them to avoid the risk of me finding them, and then I'd really be out of luck.

I froze in my spot when I heard my mom calling out my name.

"You ok in there?" She asked.

"I'm fine! Just uhm, need another minute!" I responded, grateful a bathroom was across the hall and it sounded like that's where my voice was coming from.

"Okay" She answered, and I heard the backdoor shut again.

I was about to walk out when my eye caught the filing cabinet in the corner. I totally forgot that they had that since it's filled with a bunch of papers I generally don't care about, but maybe they could've hid the letters in there?

Of course with my mom's personality, it was locked. I looked around for a key around her desk and tried 3 different ones until I was able to pull one of the drawers out. I dug around in the first four, and had no luck of finding the letters.

Feeling like it was a waste of time, I unlocked the bottom drawer anyways. There were a bunch of organized labeled folders and my eyes scanned the name of each of them. Until my eyes stopped on the letter H and I saw a folder labeled 'Harry'

I looked outside the office and made sure the coast was clear, and then I peaked in the manila folder. There was definitely something in it, so I reached my hand out and grabbed ahold of several different papers.

My hands were now clutching 7 different pink envelopes, all addressed to me.

Well 😌

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