Choatic good reigns

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Arthur: huh that's it I've figured it out cath I'VE FIGURED OUT JOW TO DEFEAT YOU

Cath merely chuckles: how are you going to defeat me? No matter what you try I'm going to eat you first

Arthur: you're wrong, the one getting eaten will be you

A huge mouth with rows and rows of teeth form around them this seems to snap everyone out of it

King: wait a second what where we just doing


Cath opens his mouth and looks like he's going to chomp down on them

Diane: Ahhh what in the world is going on here

teeth starts rain down on cath but it tries to fend them off

That's when a massive younger appears and wraps the beast up

Arthur: if I can't defeat you then I'll absorb you Cath palug will cease to exist and I'll take back all the chaos that you've stolen

Cath: N-no I won't give it back as a direct descendent I'm the only one in existence fit to wield its power

Diane: is it actually trying to push back against Arthur's power

Arthur: tell what exactly do you hope to accomplish with the power of chaos?

Cath: i'm going to destroy everything anything with the form will perish and disappear thenI'll destroy everything else that remains


Merlin: it's sad, he's nothing, but destructive will wrought by chaos

Cath: what about you are so what would you use chaos for? Would you fail to learn your
lesson and build another kingdom? Even though it's destined to fall

Arthur gasp

Cath: I bet every single one of your dead subjects, hates you now tell them, you're the incompetent, King Arthur, who failed to protect his people and his country

Meliodas: Arthur

Arthur: sir meliodas

Meliodas: what matters is not what people think about you, but what you think about others

Arthur: what I want isn't for others to acknowledge me as a good king all I want is the chance for everyone to live happily, I swear here now I don't care who laughs at me, I talked behind my back I want to land where no one suffers or experience is grief A place where no one knows, fear from any threat or disaster I will create such a place as an everlasting kingdom

Arthur says this while calling with a light that can only be called angelic

Cath: an everlasting kingdom? hahaha are you really that big of a fool Arthur? nothing is everlasting, that's an illusion, that kind of world doesn't exist it's A contradiction, it's chaos

Cath seems to have just realised what he said

Meliodas: what do you know the crazy beastjust admitted it himself

Merlin: he walked right into that one

Kenji: he sure did

Arthur: that's right and I'm the king of chaos

And with those cold lines cath is swallowed and they are out

Diane: huh looks like we finally made it back to the normal world, wheres cath?

Arthur: I think cat is inside me, but I'm not sure if he's in my stomach or not

Ban: so did you get back whenever power that monster cat had stolen?

Arthur: I wish I knew the answer to that, but I'm not really sure

Merlin: yes, the power of chaos has turned in the phone what are you holding? Your hand is more proof than anything of that

Arthur looks and sees a majestic holy sword

Meliodas: that's some magic power you've got there it suits you definitively fit for a king who will make an everlasting kingdom

Arthur: come on I'm blushing, heh I was only trying to rise to the occasion, and what I said was pretty silly when you think about it so

Kenji: heh a man can't just take back a promise like that once he's said it out loud

Arthur: sir Kenji

Meliodas: come on, why not give it a go, the wilder the goal you set for yourself, the more it's worth carrying out

Arthur: ok!

King: perhaps too wild

Kenji: let's see what you've got in mind go out there make that world and if you make a mistake it'll be alright because

Both Meliodas and Kenji: Heh The seven deadly sins will be with you

Arthur: thanks for that i appreciate your purity and truth are my everlasting goal

And that's a wrap the final chapter of the anime will be released very soon I just wanted to make the final episode it's own chapter

The Sin of Despair Seven deadly sins x male oc Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ