The Human B.O.W

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Everyone freezes at their friends name, all heads turning to gage Leon's reaction. He is stone faced, eyes locked on the wedding band on his left ring finger. Why he never took it off would always be a mystery.

"While you all were being transported back from Alchatraz, she stole an all access card key and vanished. With the information you have given me about her Father, she isn't safe. Your next mission is to find and contain Aurora Gallagher Kennedy."
Two Years Later

It's been two years since Aurora left the safety of the BSAA. Two years since the group had been given the task of her retrieval. Two years since she had been seen. And a year since she had died and resurrected.

As it turns out, abandoned train stations are sometimes used for transportation of equipment. Aurora had no idea of this when she found refuge on the abandoned track, only to be struck down by one such train.

She awoke some weeks a coffin. After letting out an ear piercing scream, hands pulled her from the dirt. When she found her senses, she was greeted by two very large B.O.Ws, bowing at her feet.

Her newfound powers were a huge adjustment. Faster, stronger and invincible it seemed. Her senses were unbelievably heightened. She could control any B.O.W that she came across, even wiping out their Master's command completely.

Of course, word of another B.O.W Master soon reached the BSAA and in turn, the group.

"What are we all here for this time, Hunnigan?"

Jill asked. They had just been on another Terrorism mission and were beyond exhausted.

"We have word on a new B.O.W Master coming from Brooklyn. This one is different. We need you all down there immediately."

Collective groans ring out.
I thank the Barista, taking my coffee and brownie before leaving the store. I soon find a bench a little ways from the store and decide that is where I'll eat my breakfast.

I happen to glance down at my engagement and wedding bands and smile softly. God, did I miss him.

As I bite into my brownie, a conversation from three nearby officers catches my attention and I tune into their chatter.

"...Here. Captain told me this morning. Some agents from BSAA and TerraSave are coming here. Something about a potential Terrorism attack."

I freeze, my coffee being knocked over in my attempt to grip the bench's edge, the hot contents spilling to the ground. My brownie follows it.

They're here? All of them? Leon too? Were they looking for me? Surely not. It's been two years.

I stand hastily and stumble as I attempt to make my escape, which catches the attention of the three officers.

They turn in my direction and frown before collectively making their way over to me.

"Are you okay, Ma'am?"

One of them asks, but I'm unable to answer as my mind is still swirling from the information I had heard moments before.


"Maybe we should take her in?"

I'm pulled to my feet and immediately panic at the thought of being taken to a police station where I could see them.

"Ma'am, please stop resisting. Pablo, the cuffs."

My eyes widen.


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