Chapter 66. - You

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Olivia knew that what she saw in that room would haunt her forever. She knew it before they even left their house to go there, but after seeing it, experiencing it, she was sure she'd have nightmares for months to come. She'd seen what Northern wolves were capable of before. She'd seen what her pack members could do also. At least to a degree. She watched them for months after all. Nothing but a bystander. Unable to do anything against them. She was selfish really, hiding within the walls of their cozy house, turning blind eye to who they were. But seeing it all in one place, with her own friends lying on the ground, injured and helpless, stuck in a conflict they couldn't possibly understand, the brutality of this place, this life she agreed to be part of, hit her like a silver bullet.

She cried herself to sleep that night. She cried for her friends who were now somewhere out there, hurt and out of her reach. She cried for her parents and all the family she once had, who was now gone. She cried for Freya, her best friend, her once innocent genuine smile and the girl she used to be. But mainly she cried for herself. Because as she made that promise to Lilian and Colin back in that horrible place, she gave up everything she once was. Because she couldn't fail this, fail them. They would die here if she didn't bring them home. And it had to be her, because nobody else cared enough to do it.

So, that night, she did as Freya advised her to. She let Olivia go. And when she woke up the next morning, there was only Liv left. Because Liv could be what Olivia couldn't. She could be anyone and anything. And she could learn how to fight, to lie, to become a spy and to do what needed to be done. Liv could stomach all this horrible stuff that surrounded them. She could withstand the winter and the darkness and everything they came with it. Because Liv was born here, in this very house, out of fear and pain and longing for things long since gone. Liv could be strong. Liv could live like a villain so that Olivia didn't have to.

"I need to visit the refugee camp today. Colin and Lilian were in bad shape yesterday and they will need some basic first aid kit if they are to heal in the conditions that are in that camp," she walked into the gym the next morning.

"Well, hello to you, too," replied Connor, who was leaning against the opposite wall, clearly amused by her attitude.

"Connor? Where is Aaron?" Liv asked, a little surprised her usual morning tormentor was nowhere to be found.

"No clue. Him, Az and Freya left early in the morning for Silverstar clan house. Probably some more Delila bullshit to deal with. You're stuck with me today," Connor shrugged.

"Oh, okay," Liv replied and scratched her head. It didn't matter really. If anything Connor had always been more approachable than Aaron, so it should be easier to convince him.

"Tell you what, catch me off guard in a fight and I'll take you after we're done here," he winked at her mischievously. Liv debated whether to protest or not. It was highly unlikely she could even land a punch at him. And if she did, it would probably feel more like a tickle than a punch. But catching him off guard? She could do that, right?

"Fine," she said finally and climbed into the ring. Connor gave her an excited grin as he joined her.

"Give me your best shot," he chuckled and waited for her to make the first move. He didn't even take his fighting stance, but he still looked absolutely lethal as he stood there, waiting. Was she stupid? How the hell was she supposed to catch him off guard? Still she charged and watched as he blocked all her attempts one by one. What other option did she have? She agreed to it already.

Connor fought differently than Aaron. Where Aaron was precise and brutal, Connor was sneaky. He was dangerous not for his strength, even if Liv knew that one punch from him would still do massive damage, but the biggest weapon in Connor's arsenal was how dirty he could play the game. It was hard to catch off guard someone, who's fighting style was built on catching others off guard. Aaron was trained in the boxing ring, Connor was taught by the streets. That conclusion was obvious. But Liv didn't give up. She kept trying. And eventually, with help of sheer luck and his untied shoelace she actually ended up getting him on the ground, sitting on top of him, exhausted but victorious. And then everything changed.

"You," she whispered, staring into his eyes. She was now shamelessly stranding his lap, an unfortunate circumstance which occurred thanks to her lame attempts at putting up a fight. She suspected he let her, too, because she couldn't phantom how else they would end up like this with her on top of him and not the other way around. But that didn't matter now. Nothing mattered. Nothing, but him and his beautiful eyes and the scent, Gods his scent like the forest with just a touch of bonfire smoke. Mate. He was her mate.

"Me," he replied as he sat up, effectively imprisoning her in his hold, he looked like he was utterly fascinated by her. He reached out to touch her cheek and without thinking she leaned in, his touch like a magnet she couldn't resist. Liv knew from others that Freya managed to stay out of Az' grasp for years despite knowing. She of course knew how common rejection was in the South and Gods knew that's exactly what her family would ask of her if they ever met Connor. But they weren't here. For all Liv knew, they were dead now and she was stuck in the North, so why fight something that felt so inevitable, so good?

"How long?" She asked, her voice breaking. How long had he known? All those subtle touches, the way he was always there, like her shadow, his arm always around her chair.

"Since I saw you in that harbor," he replied, leaning his forehead against hers. He knew all along. When he carried her to the Midnight City, through the mountains and endless snow, when she cried for him to let her go and stay with her old pack. The reason she was allowed into the City wasn't Freya illegally sneaking in her former best friend out of pity. No, it was him. He was the reason they all took her in, accepted her into the pack. He was the reason she was alive.

"I'm-" she wanted to say something, but what was it?

"Shhh, I'm gonna kiss you now, Liv," he interrupted her and she just nodded, unable to form any response. And then he did as he said he would. His hand slid down to the side of her throat as he pulled her closer, his free arm around her waist to prevent any ideas she could have of escaping. But she had no intentions to do that as she held onto his shirt. The kiss felt like falling. It was just him and her in a void. Nothing else mattered as long as his lips were on hers.

"Now, as fun as this was, I believe I owe you my part of the deal. Unless you'd rather stay here of course," he said when he broke their kiss and Liv felt the urge to whimper at the lack of contact as if she wasn't literally pressed against him right that very moment.

"Right. That. We should go. We can... continue this after," she said knowing full well she probably looked red like a tomato at that very moment. He just laughed which made her nearly melt in his arms.

"I'll take your word for it, love," he whispered to her, making her shiver.

"Uhm... Connor?" Liv called out to him as they got up and he led them up the stairs.

"Yeah?" He turned to her.

"I know that you don't like them. And you have full right to say no. But I'd regret not asking so is there a way I could get them some basic supplies, like food and clothes also? My friends I mean," she practically whispered, unsure of how her request would go down. Connor seemed to think it over for what felt like forever.

"Okay. We'll stop by the mall on the way. We need groceries for the house anyway," he said finally with a shrug.

"Thank you," she replied, trying not to sound too excited.

"They don't deserve you. Just like they didn't deserve Freya," he said, a dark edge to his voice which made Liv look down. She could argue that he didn't know them like she did. That what happened with Freya was back when they were just stupid teenagers. But Liv knew better than that. This group, this little pack, they protected each other. It was them against the World. Their job wasn't being a neutral judge. It was being a family. And while Liv was still figuring out where exactly she fit in that dynamic, it was clear she was nowhere near to a place where she could play devil's advocate in this situation.

Was I very excited to post this chapter? Yes. Yes, I was.

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