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In the early morning tang hao woke up first,he stared at his son and sighed softly moving some hair out of his face.

He stood up as he sat on the chair at the table, hearing ruffles of cloths and the presence of someone behind him,he turned around to meet destiny without her usual silver mask present on her face showing her divine beauty.

After snapping out of it he nodded at her in good morning as destiny made some herbal tea and some corngie for breakfast.

Tang San woke up with the smell of food he smile and sat up still half asleep,he glance at tachi to see the back of his head still in deep slumber snoring he chuckled but stood up to greet his father and destiny good morning as he turned to face destiny to come face to face,their face inches apart.

He stared at her imprinting her features in his mind as it could be the last time seeing her without the mask.

He blushed and shutter a good morning as destiny titls her head and watch him in amusement.

"G-good m-morning" he said as she chuckled. "Morning boba" she said as she booped his nose and place the pot down.

He blinked as his blush intense he shake his head and sat at the table.

"How are we going to wake tachi up"he asked as tang hao shrugged.

"Like this" destiny cleared her throat and move next to their bed but far enough to avoid a surprise attack.

"Tachi fatty is eating the last cream puff" destiny exclaimed in mischief as tachi jump out of the so called bed in anger.

"What,where is that bastard" he yelled in anger looking around with his hand raised to attack.

"Now go get ready,we will be leaving in ten minutes" destiny said as she fix the mask on her face meanwhile tachi is whining about the cream puff, dramatically may I add.

After eating breakfast and saying goodbye to tang hao they went to meet grandpa jack at the village gate.

On the way to the city tachi tried to push destiny buttons but not successful so destiny insult him but only him understood since a phoenix has a big ego he couldn't take it son on the way a one sided arguement started.

Tang San the capital...

As grand pa jack told me the rules of the school,the twins playing rock paper scissors a game that I didn't know existed.

As we arrived at the gate,the guard started to argument about the letter is fake.

He raised his fist to hit grand pa jack but I attack him first with a bit of soul power,the guard was sent flying.

"San...,you" grandpa jack said in shock The guard stood up ready to attack again,when I remember the third rules of the tang clan's xuan tian records.

After confirming your enemy identity as long you're able to kill,show no mercy or else, it'll only cause trouble to you.

As my hidden weapon gets ready,I raised my hand to shoot just to feel destiny hand gripping mine,I glance at her to see a gentle smile making me calm down but still on guard.

Knowing she had a reason to stop me.
"Alright stop, your back master" the guard said as I turned around to see a man walking towards us,he stared at the twins and nodded the twins doing the same.

I was confused wondering if the twins know this man.I felt a tug on my shirt, I looked at destiny questionly for her to point at grandpa jack and the man talking with my letter in his hand.

He stared at me well to say analyse is much better. I turned my gaze at the twins to see a bored expression on their face , I glanced down to see destiny playing with my fingers while tachi is playing with her hair.

"I apologize on behalf of the school on what happened just now,hand the kid to me" he said.

"There is no need to say sorry, we're at fault too.I'll leave this kid to you then"said grandpa jack politely as my tense shoulder relax.

"San follow this master I'll fetch you once the term is over" he said as he turned around and started to walk away.

"Good bye, grandpa jack I'll put efforts in my studies" I said as the twins bowed to grandpa jack.

The twins walked forward and glared at the guard as the master stood next to them saying "I'll excuse you,but for the last time.if you get caught again just leave"

The twins smirk in mischief and the master shake his head after glancing at the twins in exhaustion "come on you mischievous" we walked well tachi and I had to dragged destiny as she whined about the school being a boring forsake place. I think heard the master complaining about not being paid enough for baby sitting.

"Thank you sir"

"Mister? I'm not a teacher here"

"Lies" the twins whispered yelled

"You're not? Didn't you say that on behalf of the school" I ignore the twins comment.

"Who said that only teachers can represent the school"

I stayed silent for a minute"I got it,you must be the school principal or leader"

"You're indeed a smart kid,but wrong guess"

I stopped walking confused, I just realised that the twins disappeared I sighed but asked "You're are..."

"I am just a guest here enjoying free meals"

"You can call me master as everyone else, everyone here calls me the same I even have forgotten my name.The letter states that your name is tang San"

After accepting being master discipline I went to meet the twins at the dorm.

I opened the door to get attacked I doged and attack him,winning I asked why just to know that the strongest gets to be boss of the dorm.

I searched to see the twins grinning as the other students give a copper each,I guess they made a bet.

As I walked towards them the door opened to see...

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