Signing death sentence

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We arrived in Buck's T-Bird at my house, just in the nick of time. Dallas didn't make any extra effort dressing up. He just wore a grey T-shirt, jeans and black boots. And his brown leather bomber jacket. His hair was messy, but not much since it wasn't too long. No grease on it, of course. I checked him out once again before I pulled the door and found my brother watching TV, sitting on the couch.

"Hola, gente. Ya estamos aquí," I yelled from the hall. [Hey, people. We're already here]

Dallas stood by my side, with his hands in his pockets. Despite the fact I warned him to hide his cigarettes, his clothes couldn't help having a light smell of smoke. He smelled of aftershave too, so it helped to dissimulate.

My mother arrived in the hall and greeted Dallas as gently as she could. She had bothered to learn a few sentences for the occasion. "Nice to meet you," she said, with a strong accent. She then went back to the kitchen.

I wrapped an arm around Dally's right one and walked in the living room with him. I noticed my father was also there, not only my brother. He had the newspaper in his hands and his eyes raced through the written lines. He glanced at both of us, standing there looking at him, and he left the paper aside. He stood up and pulled out a hand. Dally shook it firmly and added "You got a great daughter, Mr. Blanco."

I looked up at my father, who nodded knitting his brow. He wasn't going to put it easy to Dally. "¿Quieres que te traduzca, papá?" I asked my father. [You want me to translate, dad?]

"No. Thank you, Carrie," he told me, squeezing one of my shoulders. I noticed he was pulling me a bit to a side, as if he tried to keep me apart from Dally. I stuck to Dally's arm and we sat down on the couch. Dallas had a serious grimace and kept it during the interrogatory my father made him go through. He didn't touch me more than he would have done in public. He just put an arm across my shoulders to show I now belonged to him.

"What do you do for a living, Dallas?" my father started. Instant disaster, I could predict. He had studied for this.

"I'm jokey. I ride a horse in the races," he answered, letting him know he was proud of it by the way he said it.

"So you don't study?"

"No, sir. I dropped out 'cause I wasn't doing good. I realized there were more important things to do, anyway."

"My daughter will go to University in case you're wondering." I shook my head when he said that. I never wanted to go to University and he knew it. I didn't think I was smart enough. I was too lazy instead. "Do you live with your parents?"

Dallas shook his head. "I got a room for me in a place called Buck's. My parents don't wanna see me. I don't wanna see them, either. I don't mind, I can take care of myself." I noticed Dally's voice toughened. He didn't like the question at all.

"If you ride horses, I suppose it must be a lot of hard work."

"Well, there are guys taking care of them. I just practise and ride to win."

Dally's answer didn't seem to convince my father, so I stepped forward and looked at Dallas. "Dad, he's real good riding, I can tell. We been to the stables today," I said. Dallas smirked, but I gave him a death glare which seemed to say "Not in front of my parents."

We suddenly heard my mother yelling "Dinner is ready!" from the kitchen, so we all stood up and walked out of the living room.

I made Dally follow me all the time, making sure no one would separate us. We sat down together. My father sat next to me, as usual, but I realized this time he specially did it to show I was his little girl and he'd never be away from me. I was glad Dallas wasn't as overprotective as my family. He gave me the freedom I had been looking for so long. That didn't mean I didn't have fun with my folks too. I was just looking for something I couldn't get for a long time. My mother sat next to Dallas and my brother opposite us. The look in Dani's eyes told me "He sure is cool, sis." I shrugged, proud of having found Dallas.

Devil in disguise (Dallas Winston fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now