Chapter 4: Embracing the Gift

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The morning sun spilled through the gaps in the curtains, casting dappled light patterns on the wooden floor. Elara sat on the edge of her bed, trying to process the revelations from the previous night. She reached for the pendant around her neck, a delicate silver chain holding a moonstone. A gift from her mother, it now held a deeper significance.

Making her way downstairs, she found her grandmother sitting at the kitchen table, engrossed in an ancient-looking book.

"Morning," Elara greeted, pouring herself a cup of tea.

Ada looked up, her eyes softened. "Morning, dear. Did you sleep well?"

Elara hesitated. "I had dreams... visions, I think. There was a clearing in the woods, a crescent moon high in the sky, and Lysander, in his human form, reaching out to me."

Ada put down the book, her face turning serious. "You are beginning to tap into your gift. The dream is a message, a guidance of sorts."

Elara took a deep breath. "What should I do?"

"Embrace it," Ada replied, her gaze unwavering. "But with caution. Foresight is a powerful tool, but it can also lead one astray. Your emotions, desires, and fears can cloud the true message."

Over the next few days, Elara spent her time with Ada, learning about the history of seers in their family and how to hone her gift. She practiced meditation, grounding exercises, and even attempted dream interpretation.

One evening, while she was deep in meditation, she felt a gentle tug in her mind. Opening her inner eye, she found herself in the same clearing from her dream. Lysander, tall and regal with silver streaks in his hair, stood there, his amber eyes filled with warmth.

"I've been waiting," he spoke, his voice echoing in the vastness of her mind.

"Why?" Elara asked, her voice quivering with emotion.

"To show you our past, our connection," he replied, extending his hand.

Hesitant, Elara took a step forward, reaching for his hand. As their fingers touched, a rush of memories flooded her senses. Moments of laughter, shared secrets, and deep love between them from a time long ago.

As the vision faded, Elara found herself back in her room, tears streaming down her face. The bond she shared with Lysander wasn't just of this lifetime; it was eternal.

Determined, Elara made a decision. She would stand with Lysander, embrace her gift, and face the looming threat of Draven. Their shared history was a testament to their strength, and together, they were unstoppable.

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