moving on (or not)

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Soyeons pov:

It's been a few weeks since yuqis announcement and I've been over it, I'm no longer jealous and I go back to teasing her without my heart skipping a beat or blushing continuing the fan service I've moved on I no longer have feelings for yuqi, not anymore she has a lover and I respect her relationship! As time passes we release several albums such as, I never die, I love, I feel and they all do amazingly well we are also releasing another season to up to (G)-idle! As the episode is over we all go back to the dorms

Soojins pov:

Watching soyeon fall out of love with yuqi was hard. Painful to watch. But understandable yuqi knew she liked her, we all did but we just supported her in her new relationship as I watch soyeon smiling she had bangs after years it made her look really cute and really fits her sitting up yawning as soyeon sitting on the couch and shuhua cuddled up too me yuqi and Minnie bickering and miyeon and soyeon talking I'm glad they're all talking again

Yuqis pov:

I don't love her.. I love soyeon I always had I never moved on I broke up with my girlfriend yesterday I couldn't help but stare at soyeon god she's so cute as I pull soyeon aside I told Minnie and shuhua how I felt and they told me to confess "soyeon.. jagi, I love you. I like you so much I'm sorry please don't fall out of love with me I'll treat you amazing I realized it was you who I liked not her please accept my confession.. Your gorgeous your funny, smart, straightforward, creative, cute funny and overall amazing in so many ways. Please be mine and be my girlfriend" I finish off I knew she was falling out of love it was worth a shot right?

Soyeons pov:

I feel my face flush red muttering "I.. I accept your feelings yuqi-ah" I say smiling getting pulled into a hug "and ill  be your girlfriend yuqi" the female smiles with a chuckle "this ended well"

I'm sorry this took so long everyone!
Please check out idles new video!

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