His cold gaze falls on you as a shiver runs down your spine. Yeah, he's definitely related to Talia.

King: "So instead of taking the city, you raze it to the ground and bring him back instead? Always full of surprises aren't you, daughter."

Queen: "Does your trophy have a name?"

You weren't entirely sure if she was asking you that question or Talia, but get your answer when you feel her hand squeeze yours.

(Y/N): "Oh, um, it's (Y/N), your highness."

Talia raises her eyebrow at your reaction. She'd never seen you so tense before. She liked it.

King: "So, (Y/N), what made you so special that my daughter spared your life?"

You couldn't answer his question because you didn't entirely know either. All you could do was sheepishly look over to Talia, who had a smirk on her face.

Talia: "He's the only person ever to match me in single combat, injured, might I add. He's more useful alive than in a body pile under the rubble of a razed city."

The tension in the room was so thick you could cut it. But at the same time, it also made sense as to why Talia was the way she was. Her parents fucking suck.


Hours pass as the main course is served, and you couldn't lie, you were in heaven. You'd never eaten something so flavorful and rich, it easily trumped the stale bread and ale you had back home. The wine was also on another level. These pompous bastards had their own vineyards? You were speechless.

The idle conversations at the table were short and awkward, and with each passing remark, you notice Talia's demeanor gradually change, becoming more and more irritated.

King: "Did you hear that your brother has taken the majority of the western coast with minimal casualty? And you two sisters have almost taken the Eastern border on their own, too."

You had no idea that Talia had siblings, but the mere mention of them caused the grip on her cutlery to increase, her knuckles turning white.

Talia: "Really? That's fascinating."

Her anger was almost at boiling point as she took another swig of wine. This dinner was infinitely more painful than any battle you'd ever fought in just by sheer awkwardness alone.

As if by some miracle, the doors open slightly, and Alva steps in, bowing curtly before the King and Queen and proceeding to stalk over to Talia's chair, taking point behind it.

You shoot her a greatful gaze at momentarily breaking the awkwardness of this dinner, and she just rolls her eyes in response.

Queen: "Alva, it's so good to see you again."

Alva: "Likewise, your majesty."

Your eyes linger on the doorway as the two sets of guards exit the room. Something wasn't right.

You try to indirectly get Alva's attention but she just ignores you, eyes never leaving the opposite wall.

King: "Is something wrong, (Y/N)?"

He practically spits your name out with disdain and venom as Talia brings her fist down on the table, rattling the cutlery.

Talia: "Don't talk to him like that."

Queen: "Talia, don't."

King: "Like what? Like the disgusting piece of trash he is? You sully our great name with your childish antics. You could've strengthened our hold on the western coast, but instead you save this peasant and burn down what could've been a critical foothold. I knew I should've sent your brother."

Talia launches out of her chair, slamming both her hands down onto the table. This was getting interesting.

Talia: "You sent me to deal with it, so I dealt with it. Don't cry to me because you don't like the result and don't you ever compare me to my brother."

The King lazily raises from his chair to match Talia's frustration.

King: "And why not? Whilst you go gallivanting around taking prisoners, he's expanding our empire and doing MY name proud. You're nothing but a stain on my great name."

As if on cue, the doors burst open as a group of guards rush into the room.

King: "How dare you burst into the royal hall like that! Why are you not at your posts?!"

They looked like guards, but something was wrong. You noticed the faint flecks of blood on their steel chestplates. The way they carried themselves wasn't that of the royal guard. Their armor wasn't fitted properly. Their boots were muddy. It was all wrong.

Pretty much confirming all suspicion, the four nearest the back raise crossbows and take aim. You had a split second to react as you push Talia to the floor, a bolt narrowly missing her head. Her parents weren't as lucky. A bolt buried itself into the Kings chest as he's sent sprawling back into his large lavish chair, painting the gold with blood. The Queen caught one in the eye as her head is thrown back, the bolt peering out the back of her head as a steady flow of blood trickles to the floor. Alva reaches for her sword as she rushes the group.

You were acting on instinct as you clutch a knife from the table and the do the same. Rushing the one closest to you, you nick his wrist as he tries to unsheathe his sword, fumbling. Yeah, definitely not royal guards.

You duck under a blade swing as you bring the dagger up through his chin, painting your hand and wrist a sickly red. Firmly clutching his sword, you kick the corpse backwards into the guard behind him as you parry another swing.

Alva quickly and efficiently finishes her respective target off as the guy raises his sword to do an overhead swing, completely losing his arm as she severs it, the arm and sword rolling over towards you. Looming down, you spot the sword.

(Y/N): "Talia!"

Talia, who was now getting to her feet, glances your way as you kick the severed arm towards her. She swiftly reaches for the sword and joins the fray.

The guard closest to her can't even react as she dashes past him in a purple blur, blood caking the walls and everywhere in the vicinty as his head comes clean off.

How the hell did she do that?

You couldn't even comprehend her actions as another bandit presses the advantage, slashing at your arm. You growl in pain as you pommel strike him, then proceed to bury your sword right into his chest.

Alva: "(Y/N)! Watch out!"

You look over your shoulder as one had snaked his way behind you. Ditching your sword, you roll out of the way as Talia appears behind him, driving her sword right into his armpit and out the other side.

The room was now silent as the polished wooden floors were now stained a bloody red. Alva offers a hand out, which you happily take, pulling yourself to your feet.

Talia: "Alert the guards. The King and Queen are dead."

Crown of Thorns | Yandere Queen X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now