Chapter 51- Good for me

Depuis le début

"That's Noah." Robin said to Ruby who waved at the boy and he waved back shyly. "Noah, this is Ruby."

"H-Hi." He whispered blushing.

"Hey, Noah." Ruby said making him blush harder and look away. "Is he ok?"

"Do you know Raj from the Big Bang Theory?" Robin asked and Ruby nodded. "He has the same problem but, not as bad."

"How old is he? He seems young."

"He's fourteen, about to do fifteen. He also has an extreme Atychiphobia."

"Uhummm, english please?"

"Fear of failure."

"That's because he is a failure." Karen said approaching the three. "Now, no more chit chat and get back to paint. Today you'll do a portrait of me."

Ruby glared at the smug look of the woman and closed her fist tightly, drawing blood on her palms.

"Uhm, the point of art class if to to draw whatever we like." Robin informed Karen glaring at her as well.

"That's when you were with that fat cow, Abigail. With me you'll draw what I say." Karen replied venoumously. "Do you understand, little girl?"

Ruby stood up abruptly and grabbed Karen by the shirt, gripping her sharp pencil tightly on her hand.

"Call them that again. I fucking dare you." The fairy threatened as her eyes turned red scarying Karen further. "Come on, DO IT."

By now Karen and almost everyone else was shaking hard. They actually thought Ruby was going to stab the woman but, upon seeing her terrified state, the fairy took a deep breath and let go of her.

"You better start showing some respect to them." She whispered into her ear so no one could listen. "Because next time I won't back down."

Karen stepped away from her and cleared her throat, trying to appear as if she wasn't afraid of the teenager.

"Fine." She said, her voice breaking slightly. "Everyone go back to painting whatever the hell you want. And your friend dropped he... their pencil."

She turned around and went to seat down, her hands stilll shaking slightly. Ruby turned around and picked up Robin's pencil giving it back to them who were looking at her wide eyed.

"Were you actually going to stab her? Because she misgendered me?" Robin asked with glossy eyes.

"Well, yes. She wasn't only misgendering you she was disrespecting you and I won't let her do it. And also for God's sake she's a grown woman she should start acting like it." Ruby replied making Robin smile and hug her tightly.

"You're a fucking badass, woman, did you know that? Terrifying, but a badass" They told her making her laugh.

"Thank you, so are you, Angel Face." 

They smiled at each other before going back to painting. 

Ruby decided to paint her friends. Stella was winking while posing wearing a fabulous dress. Next to her was Flora with her cute innocent smile and wearing a flower crown on her head. Than there was Musa singing to a microphone. Crouched down infront of the three was Tecna smiling with a playstation controler in hand and next to her was Bloom, hugging Kiko with a bright smile.

It was obviously just a sketch, she didn't have any time to put details on it but, it really was a beautiful painting.

"Holy shit, I'mma start calling, Van Gogh." Robin said staring at her painting.

"Please don't." Ruby told them with a smile.

"Oh, I so am."

The two friends walked out to have lunch and Robin invited Noah too, however the little boy was very shy around Ruby only saying a few words to Robin before continuing eating, barely even sparring a glance at the redhead.

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