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Just a fair warning: There's a lot of crazy stuff in this chapter at the funeral in particular... HAPPY READING!

Michelle opened the small rectangular box that Kelly gifted her. She was in the process of beginning to move out her stuff before the wake of her ex-husband. She decided to open this gift as the last thing she did before moving in with Kelly and Beyoncé. If you opened this, that means you are by yourself and you're ready for my final test. Inside the box is a vibrator. The most important part of this test is that you need to have the vibrator on the highest setting on your clit for two minutes straight and you need to video it. For me, this counts as a pre test to see how far I can go with you and I want you to be very familiar with this before our trip together. I can't wait to see you in person, sweetheart. xoxo Kelly

Michelle was extremely excited to use this so she rushed to open the box. The device was rather small and it already had batteries in it, which was helpful. She turned the device on, jumping at the vibration in her hands. Michelle figured it was supposed to be like a massage type of thing so she took her bottoms off and angled the camera. Once the vibrator was placed on the highest setting, Michelle placed the device directly on her clit.

The pleasure felt indescribable as the two minutes went by. Moans flew from her mouth as her legs began to shake and that familiar feeling of righting in her stomach returned and cum dripped out of her. The two minutes were over and Michelle stopped the video, falling onto the bed as the aftershocks from her pleasure continued. After she recovered, Michelle flipped the note over and saw another note: Here's my number to send the video to, sweetheart. I know it's not going to be like seeing your pleasure in person but at least I can see how beautiful your pussy is. Michelle saw the number and texted the video to Kelly.

After cleaning herself up, she changed her clothes and got in her bed. Michelle began fantasizing about what Kelly looked like and longed to hear her voice again. Those thoughts made her tired, so she quickly fell asleep.

"Beyyyyy, I don't wanna go to his funeral!" Michelle whined as she pulled the covers up over her head."I know baby, but it would look bad if the woman he's been with for the last 10 years doesn't show." Beyoncé said, pulling her up from the bed. "Fine. But can we have coffee before we go?" Michelle asked with pleading eyes, Beyoncé smirking at the cuteness.

Beyoncé just couldn't say no, she needs some relief before she goes to that place of hate and toxicity. "Ok, but only for a few minutes and then you have to get dressed." Beyoncé replied, taking her boxers off. Michelle smiled at the pleasure she was about to receive.

After about 20 minutes, Michelle and Beyoncé finally got dressed for the service. "Did that make you feel better, baby?" Beyoncé asked, placing her hair in a half up half down style. "It did, but why aren't you wearing a suit, daddy? You look so good in it." Michelle pouted, fixing her dress.

"As much as I would like to wear a suit, I'm about to be around a bunch of raging homophobes and just people who don't have good sense in general. I just gotta be careful of everything I wear and say." Beyoncé replied, grabbing her purse.

"Okay." Michelle said, pecking her lips. "We just gotta get through today, ok? I'll be here with you every step of the way." Beyoncé said reassuring Michelle, noticing her nerves getting to her a little. Michelle mouthed a thank you before walking out the bedroom with Beyoncé following behind.
Michelle was highly considering murder. If she had to hug one more person, she would snap their neck. There was only so much her morning coffee could do for her. At this point, she needed some drugs, if she was going to make it through the day. Everybody was offering their condolences, and she had to smile and act like she gave a damn about the stories these people told. Hear people tell her how good of a man he was. She had to save face because her mother was by her side the entire time.

Three is the Perfect Numberजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें