When they made camp that night, intending to get to Mondstadt the following morning or noon, Aether brushed his hair silently by the fire.

Ever since that first night you stood behind him, gently detangling his golden tresses, he had never done his hair again. He enjoyed it. The relaxing motions of brushing, you twisting his hair into pretty braids, choosing the select strands to fall and frame his face. It was comforting, an intimate gesture he wasn't quite used to.

Lumine never did his hair, mostly because she never knew how. She preferred to keep her hair short for practicality (and because when she was younger, she thought it made her look like a total badass), so she never learned the proper cosmetology it took to maintain his hair. And that was perfectly fine with him, never feeling the urge to have someone do his hair, but after you'd done it that night by the fire, he never wanted you to stop.

You were gentle and soothing, humming songs he couldn't identify under your breath as both you and him got lost in the quiet calm. Your fingers threading through his hair made him smile. It was an act of care, of comfort, one of the many you had displayed to him throughout your relationship.

But now that he was here, combing out the tangles that the wind left behind from today's journey, he couldn't help that consistent melancholy from bringing tears to his eyes.


Mondstadt was like a sight for sore eyes. The waving windmills and glimmering lakes, Vanessa's leaves shaking in the wind as he passed by Windrise. Contrary to the hustle and bustle of Liyue, Mondstadt was in a state of calm, especially now that Dvalin wasn't causing a ruckus.

Except he couldn't help but feel a change in the wind, like instead of caressing breezes, they were sweeping, searching gusts, surrounding him like they were examining every ornament on his outfit.

Venti must've gotten the news. Aether thought, trudging along the dirt path to the stone bridging into the city, Ariel's hand in his own and Paimon talking his ear off.

He walked through the city, enjoying the nostalgia sink into his stomach like a hole. The sun was pleasant against his skin and the scent of sweet, dandelion wine flowing through the air brought a tilt to his lips.

"We should probably talk to Diluc first. I'm not so sure where Venti is, but it feels like he doesn't want to be disturbed right now." Aether commented, already making his way towards the Angel's Share, hoping Diluc would be there today, preparing for the evening when the lively tavern opened.

"Yeah, the winds are making Paimon nervous."

And Aether could tell the same was with the city people. Despite many galivanting through the streets, some, mainly the older folk, had a tenseness to their spine, like a parent was hovering over their shoulder to make sure they weren't slouching.

Finally making it to the Angel's Share, Aether banged his fist against the wooden door, hoping the sound would reach someone.

Not a moment later, the door swung open and standing on the other side was the tavern owner himself. Down to his white button up and black pants, sleeves folded up to his shoulders, hair in a ponytail, and the top few buttons undone. A thin sheen of sweat was on the man's forehead and Aether could tell that he had been working and most definitely not having a fun time in this uncomfortable heat.

"Traveler." Diluc spoke with surprise. One of his eyebrows was raised in confusion which very much highlighted the slight bags under his eyes, giving the impression of light bruises.

"Master Diluc."

"Hi Master Diluc!"

"Paimon." Diluc nodded to the little fairy. "What are you two doing here? I thought you were in Liyue."

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