
370 1 15

(Smut warning)


The wizard that was feared by many, howl. You rarely saw him due to his job of keeping people out of harms way, and your job of running a bakery. To say you where acquaintances would be a lie, you were definitely more. The two of you still wrote to eat other, but even you didn't know where you stood with him.

One minute when he was in town the two of you would be making out and the next you're just hanging out like old friends.

He was attractive, yes his golden blonde hair and blue eyes. His slim waist and tall form, and his personality was charming as well. All that bothered you was, his desire to throw himself in danger.


Dear (Fn),

I'll be in town this weekend for well I'm sure you know, helping I guess? Afterwards let's meet at your bakery, 8pm. I think after doing such heroic work I could go for a pastry or two? Oh and Michael and Calcifer want to see you, so I suppose you'll have to come back to the castle as well.

—- Howl


As you read the letter you sighed softly, "the idiot is going to get himself killed some day."

You had heard about the demons invading the north side of the city. You didn't dare go there, especially if howl had to be called and some other witch or wizard couldn't help. You looked up hearing the bell to your bakery chime as an old woman walked in.

You smiled and said, "hello miss how might I help you?"

"Let's see... I'll have two of your croissants and a baguette please." She said hobbling around as she looked at the food in the display case.

You nod grabbing a bag and placing the pastries in it. The old woman looks up at me said, "a young pretty girl like you shouldn't be working, you should be out having fun."

I laugh and smile saying, "thank you, but I enjoy my job."

The woman smiled and paid for her food and said, "you must have a partner then, if you can work so happily."

I blushed and choked saying, "not really-"

She chuckled and walked off leaving me there dumbfounded. Knowing Howl he probably sent her, or something.

I shrugged and continued on my day. As the sun set I started closing down the shop standing on a chair outside as I flipped the open sign to closed.

"Nice view."

I looked down and saw none other than Howl himself looking straight up my dress. I blushed and covered myself saying, "could've said hi pervert before you go looking at my panties."

"Well it's not like I haven't seen them before." He said shrugging as I smack him lightly on the shoulder.

He walked in with me to the bake shop, the lights were off and the only light in the room was coming from the street lights. I locked the door and sighed saying, "I have an extra cupcake and eclair for you."

"Extra? You didn't make me something special?" He pouted as he sat down at one of the small tables inside the bakery.

I walked over with the plate of the pastries rolling my eyes and say, "how'd it go."

"Alright..." he said plucking a feather off his arm, "it's getting harder to not over do it."

I sigh setting some tea down and say, "howl you need to be careful... you could really get hurt."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2023 ⏰

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