"I'm ordering a cheeseburger. Want anything?" I inquire after a brief moment of silence.

He ponders for a second, silent as he thinks.

"Yes but let me pay for us" he says after a moment, picking up his phone again and unlocking it to explore whatever delivery service he wants to use.

"No, Noah it's fine. I got it" I argue but as soon as I speak he snaps his head to look at me. Giving me a look of warning. He doesn't want me to push the matter, and if I wasnt experiencing a hangover from hell I would surely argue. But instead I roll my eyes and mouth a silent whatever.

It doesn't take long before our food is here, and Noah is eagerly padding his feet along our floors as he scurries to retrieve it. The smell of warm cheese and charbroiled meat filling the air, and causing my stomach to turn in hunger. We decided on some small burger joint on the far end of the strip. Neither one of us ever hearing about the business before, but not being able turn it down once we saw how heavenly the food looked. It definitely lives up to the hype. Not being able to put it down once I take the first bite. I all but inhale the entire styrofoam box full of food. By the time I am shoveling in the last of my fries, I feel my phone vibrate.

From- Connor

Are you free for a few hours this evening?

I try to suppress the small smile that begins to boil at my lips, happy to have an excuse to leave the house and make some money. I quickly type a reply to let him know I am in fact available, and that I could be ready in the next hour or so.

From -Connor

Great! See you then. $300?


I can't help but grin, an easy $300 for a few hours of my time and I get food and sex? It's a win, win if you ask me.

I excuse myself from the sofa, taking my trash and discarding it in our waste basket before heading to my room to get ready. Locking the door behind me I head toward my closet, flipping through the hung garnets. The last time I did business with Connor he took me to a fancy restaurant, so I can only imagine we will be doing something that requires my best attire. He left it a surprise by only specifying that we would be having dinner, and I know he doesn't dine cheaply.

After what feels like forever I finally decide on a long sleeve high neck mini dress. Embroidered with sliver studs that create a long design spanning from my neck down. It's flashy, in the least gody way possible, but elegant enough for a dinner date on the strip.

I decide against any extravagant hairstyles and makeup, keeping it simple enough with a slick low ponytail and neutral toned glam. Feeling beautiful and powerful in the mask I crowned myself with, I can't help but smile. It feels good to be in control finally. To have my power back, even if it was only in the most minimal way possible. It still counted.

I give myself a final glance, happy with my appearance, before existing to leave.

In a blissful bubble I hardly notice Noah's presence, let alone Mellie's. Swaying my hips in happiness I can hardly pay mine to their eyes that beat onto me as I walk over to grab my purse off the coffee table in the living room. It's not until Mel finally speaks, giving me a sharp whistle and catching my attention.

"Damn, B! You look fine as fuck. Got a date tonight?" She's careful with her words, which I'm thankful for when I notice Noah standing next to her at the kitchen island. Both of them so close I am sure they can smell each other.

I have to fight back the urge to roll my eyes still not completely happy with the redhead, but managing to keep the pettiness at bay. I bite back the sickness that wants to desperately creep up over me, smiling. Regardless of the physical response their newly found closeness brings me i know better than to give into the feelings it provokes. I know better than to care. Loving Noah never brought me anything but pain, and we are both better off without the vile taste we leave behind.

Glass Hearts || Noah Sebastian Where stories live. Discover now