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               In an effort to escape the blue figure pursuing him, Peter is sprinting as quickly as he can while swerving between the narrow spaces and crowded passageways. He struggled to breathe, and as he fired a web and soared through the air, he could feel beads of sweat forming on the top of his forehead and dripping down his cheeks. Peter wanted to leave. He had to take cover! When he felt a web pulling hard at his chest and engulfing him in darkness and uncertainty, everything came to a screaming halt. He felt himself fall into a boiling, rusted pipe and crash to the ground. Peter stooped to his feet groggily and grunted in discomfort.

                    "You're swift." When a deep, booming voice suddenly interrupted the stillness; Peter jerked and craned his neck to peer at the colossal Spider-Man. Peter felt weak and little in comparison to Miguel's enormous size as he glared down at him with blazing eyes.

"You haven't caught me yet." Peter mutely chuckled before making an attempt to stand up.

The fat man booted the taller man's leg quickly, surprising Miguel with a grunt before webbing him against the wall behind him. The large man swiftly set himself free, tackling the shorter man with such force that Peter was certain he would have suffered a concussion if it hadn't been for his skills.

              Finally, Peter was forced to the ground and immobilized, and Miguel had an iron grip on his hands. The muscular man strengthened his grasp and forced his knees down onto his legs to keep the plus-sized man still.

"You have no idea what's at risk here, Peter." Miguel gasped out, his voice hoarse and deep but out of breath.

"All because you decided to safeguard that Morales brat, the fate of the multiverse is in jeopardy!" His voice was toxic, and his eyes glowed a deep, compelling red. Peter swallowed and looked up at the taller man with uneasy eyes.

                 This man was about twice or thrice his size and width, his one hand effortlessly wrapping around both of Peter's wrists. He stiffened as he locked his sight on the brown-skinned man's harsh gaze.

"H-he-he's just a kid, Miggy," Peter cried out, "and it's not his fault!"

"Being Spiderman compels us to make difficult decisions, Peter. Morals can only take you so far." Miguel scoffed at the shorter man, his mask disintegrating to show his face. The struggle had left the man a little disheveled, and a thin layer of sweat had formed on his brow.

"Then there must be another way!" Peter begged softly, pleading with Miguel to let him go and save Miles from his doom.

            "You know that doesn't work like that, Parker." Miguel whispered, his voice so low that the excitement penetrated Peter's core.

What the hell?

Peter felt his firm crotch right against the taller man before he realized what his body was doing. Peter's rigid dick throbbed with the small friction, and he hastily turned away from Miguel before returning his gaze to the red eyes staring back at him. Miguel's expression relaxed for a time, but they didn't break eye contact.

                 The man shifted involuntarily and placed his knees harder into Peter's limbs, eliciting a gasp from Peter. As they both peered into each other, tension swiftly filled the air, and Peter waited in expectancy. When the other man had already expressed himself as less than granite, it was difficult to know what he was thinking.

A light chuckle escaped Miguel’s lips, “You’re freaky, Parker .”

Passionate and surprisingly tender lips collided with Peter's, who instantly got lost in the passionate and messy kiss. The red-eyed man's hot, immense tongue fought its way into his mouth, as did the gradual grind of their crotches. The embarrassment he felt for succumbing to the massive and attractive man on top of him was pushed back.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2023 ⏰

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