Intoxicated Intimacy

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After letting your girlfriend, Jenna know that you would be out drinking tonight with your friends, you found yourself sitting on a stool at a bar, a cold beer in your hand. You had been having a good time with your friends, laughing, drinking, and conversing for a while, but now, you found yourself in a more reflective state of mind. The alcohol had made you slightly tipsy, your senses becoming mellowed and your thoughts getting hazy. As you sat on the stool, a sense of peace slowly washed over you.

Zoning out for a moment, you looked up and noticed the call of your name, directed towards you. The voice came from behind, making it difficult to see who it belonged to. You raised your brows, your expression somewhat confused and intoxicated. "You good? You look.. tipsy now." As the words were said, they were directed towards you, yet they were not fully processed by your mind, as your thoughts and feelings were preoccupied with Jenna.

You were still slightly under the influence, your words were also somewhat slurred. "...Yeah.. I'm fine..." you answered, with the faintest of nods in approval. They continued to look at you as if you were in a state they had never seen before. Finally, one spoke up, their voice quiet and calm. "Lets... get you home now, eh? Your girlfriend must be worried already."

Your thoughts were still elsewhere, focused on Jenna and your thoughts about her. But nonetheless, you agreed to be taken back home, with little opposition.

As your friends drove you back to your home, you were still partially intoxicated, making your movements somewhat lethargic and unstable. They laughed at your current state, before arriving at your address, where they escorted you to the front door. Jenna answered the knock with a small smile, likely glad to see you home but also trying hard to keep her laughter to herself. She took your hand from your friends, and moved you to the couch where she sat you down. In spite of your disoriented state, she sat by you and attempted to look after you as she could, waiting for you to fully sober up.

Lying your head on the head of the couch, you tried to keep yourself still, desperately hoping that it would stop the world from spinning. Jenna then spoke up, with a slight giggle, "I've never seen you so drunk before, love." Her words were accompanied by a small laugh, but her voice was soft and understanding, as she was still trying to look after you, despite your current state. You could feel the affection in her expression, even if the amusement and disbelief was also present.

You muttered softly in an attempt to shake off the sleepiness that had crept up on you. Jenna then sat beside you, and you turned towards her. "Baby..." you uttered, still not entirely sober. At her inquiry, you replied, "I just need you love..." Your voice was slow and slurred, but the affection in your words was evident. She turned her attention towards you, and replied with her own voice, softer than usual. "Hm? What is it, love?.. do you need something?" She seemed to understand your situation and your needs despite your state, and offered to help.

As you leaned your head against her shoulder, you sighed contentedly in relief. "I missed you..." you whispered, your mind still hazy and your words somewhat slurred. Jenna smiled lovingly at your comment, placing a hand on your head. "You spent the morning and the afternoon with me, love..." She said. You agreed with her, and elaborated further, saying, "Yeah... but I missed your scent... your warmth, your touch.. your love." She chuckled softly at your reply, amused at your current state yet fond of your sweet and heartfelt words.

As you moved your head to nuzzle into the crook of her neck, you mumbled softly, "Whilst I was at the bar... I couldn't help but think about you." She smiled gently at your words as you buried your head in her neck, your voice now slightly softer and more subdued than before, as you felt more tired. "I just love you. So much." You mumbled out, your current state of inebriation not hindering your feelings for her. At her comment, "I love you more," you playfully replied, "No. I love you more."

As you both lay down on the couch, you snuggled into her neck, wrapping your arms around her. With each passing moment, you felt your eyelids weigh heavier and heavier, and you began struggling to keep your eyes open. Your body was growing tired and lethargic, and you felt yourself gradually becoming more sleepy, as you continued to hug and nuzzle deeply into her neck. She held you still, as she could also tell that you were on the verge of falling asleep.

"It's fine, love." Jenna whispered gently, as she also snuggled closer to you, wanting to provide as much warmth and comfort to you in this state. As you fell asleep, not being able to respond any further, she held you still, enjoying having you pressed against her. With each passing minute, she felt her eyes begin to droop and her mind gradually become tired. She was able to feel the heat from your body as you remained close together, and eventually... she also fell asleep.

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