•7• The Wish

69 2 18

TW: Bl00d, Death, Violence, Greg?/The Mimic

t's been about.. 20 minutes or so.

"Star.. It's been 20 minutes.. Let's go.." Moon says. Cassie sighed and looks at Emy once again, And softly kisses her forehead. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you.." Cassie then gently put her on the ground and stands up, and walks over to moon.

"I'm sorry star.." Cassie shakes her head slightly. "It's fine.. Moon, it's not your fault, if we gotta be honest.. It's mine" Cassie smiled. Moon knew this death pained her more.

"We should head back to Vanessa shall we?" Cassie ask with a small smile.

Moon nodded and they both starts to walk towards where they left Vanessa.

She was confused why there was claw marks on the door but didn't thought much of it.

She opens the door and walks in. "Ness I'm bac-k.." Her body flinched at the sight. Moon saw from the outside and was shocked as well. Cassie walks towards the body, and kneels down and hugs it. No words. Just tears.

Moon looked around and Saw Eclipse. His eyes lit up but was made it died down was that.. His eyes was glowing red?.. That's not what Eclipse eyes could do right?..

Moon take the thought. Eclipse was being controlled by the Mimic.

Moon then runs over to the two, and picks up Cassie.

"bro what the hell!?! I was grieving!!" Cassie yelled, annoyed as hell.

"We need to go!" Moon says as he jumps into the vent above with Cassie.

"what's goi- mmmm!!" Her sentence was muffled by Moon who had place a hand on her mouth.

He stared down and saw Eclipse looking around before walking away.

"The mimic must've known.. We are here.. Well- your here.." Moon says. Which made Cassie blood boil.

Cassie smiled. "I'm gonna pay that motherfucker a visit for killing my care taker. And my fucking crush. And give him a piece of my mind." She says, eye twitching.

"Follow me" Moon says as he then starts crawling. Cassie followed closely.

Soon they arrived in a place. Cassie looks down and saw the mimic. Oh. She's gonna turn him into a fried chicken.

Without hesitation Cassie jumped down.

"Oh Cassie.. how I missed you" The mimic says in Gregory's voice.

"Save the act Greg." She says coldly.

The mimic then chuckles as it changes it's form to Greg?.

"A party pooper arent ya?~" Greg? Says menacingly.

"You kill the two ppl I loved with me heart. You are gonna be a fried chicken cousin." Cassie says, getting into a fighting stance.

"Cmon~ They were just weak" Greg? Laughs.

Cassie glitches away. "where did you go?" Greg? Ask.

She had glitched behind him. And tried to punch him but got her hand blocked by him.

"Nice try princess, But you can do better." Greg? Smirks.

"oh I hate that smirk of yourself." Cassie grits her teeth as she picks him up, into the air. "since when we're you this strong.."

Cassie rolled her eyes as she throws Greg? Into the wall hard. She walks over and kicks his head into the wall a bunch of times until it starts to bleed.

She then stops as she states at Greg?. "Never. And I mean never. Lay a God dang finger on Vanessa again. Nor Emery. Or I will personally bring you to see the scooper."

Cassie then walks off. Didn't have the intention to even see the sight of that asshole.

That is. While she was walking she was hit by something. She groans and looks to see what it was and it was Roxy. "r-roxy?.." She didn't look like normal. Cassie quickly goes back on her feet and starts running with Roxy chasing her, soon enough Eclipse join Roxy.

Cassie ran. And ran through the pizza Plex. Even if she was older, her stamina wasn't all great. She quickly goes in a room and locks it and leans back against the door, slowly sliding to the floor.

She was catching her breath as the banging outside of the door, was loud to hear. The tears in her eyes finally slip and falls down her cheeks.

"why.. Everything went so downhill.. Vanessa died..E-even Emy.." She cried harder at the thought of Emery.

Her one friend that understands her so well, was there when she was at her lowest is now dead. Because of her. If only she hadn't drag Emy into this mess. She would have been alive.

She brought her knees to her chest and wraps her arms around it. "Even Roxy and Eclipse are now.. After me.." She sobbed.

"I wish.. Everything would have gone differently.. I wish.. I could just..restart everything.. Make things right.. If only I could restart back to when I fell down that hell hole of a elevator..why couldn't I just died right there?.. No one would have been hurt.. Roxy and Eclipse would have been safe.. This is all my fault.."

She burries her face into her knees as she sobbed.

"I really wish I could restart.."

Word count: 849

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