•2• Changing Her Mind

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It's been a few days. Cassie been isolating herself in her bedroom. None of the two adults got Cassie out of her bedroom. Though she did eat the food Ness left in front of her door. So that's a good thing? None of the two knows.


Knock knock.

Vanessa then opens the door to be met with a girl around the same age as Cassie's. Had silky blonde white hair, with a green pink streaks in her hair, Ocean blue eyes, wore a white button up, with a Pink with some green coloured cardigan, Blue pants.

“Is Cassie home?” The girl ask politely.

“Ah she is, Emery correct?” Vanessa asked with a smile. Emery smiles back with a small nod.

“Shes in her room, Can I ask you a favour?” Ness asks. “Sure, What is it?” “Can you try and Change Cassie's mind about the pizza plex? I was thinking on bringing her with me to restore the plex.. But..she doesn't agree.. She had some trauma from that place.. I hope you can try to change her mind.. I know it's a big favour.. Can you do it?” ness asked.

Emery thought about it for a min and sighed with a smiled and nods. “I'll be happy to help”

“Thank you so much.. Her room is up the stairs, 2 doors to the right” “Thank you!” Emery then follows the direction. She knocks on the door. No response.

She knocks again. “Cas? It's me Emy” She spoke softly. She heard the door being unlock. She small smiled and opens the door and stares at the brunette girl who's lying in the bed, Covered under the blanket.

Emy walks over and sat down on the edge of the bed, still looking towards the girl. “Cassie?..” She asked softly.

“What do you want emy..” Emy could sense the sadness radiating from Cassie. “Hey.. Yknow it's rude to not look at somebody in a conversation” she small smiled as she watch Cassie sits up and looks at her.

Emy scoots closer to Cassie, Sitting in front of her, placing her hands on top of Cassie's. “You wanna tell me what's wrong?” Emy asks softly.

Cassie's eyes shifted away. “Hey..if it's a sensitive topic I won't push it..” Emy small smiles.

“Just.. Ness trying to get me to go to the plex..” Cassie answers softly. “And what's so wrong with that?”

“it's just that.. That place was a hell hole of a nightmare.. And she mentions.. We should save Gregory.. He was a friend of mine that almost killed me..and did killed me..” she scratches the back of her neck.

Emy takes a deep breath. “Cassie look at me” Cassie looks at Emery in the eyes.

“just forget that buffoon of an asshole, Look let's focus on the bright side alr? Restoring the plex so the kids that's been dying to to go there since ages can go there for birthdays parties and such, Fixing the animatronics, You'll be able to see your friends again! And even give them a new design! A much cooler one, not saying they aren't already look cool- I give up- I'm certain you got what I meant”

Cassie chuckles and smile. “And yknow the best part of all?” Cassie raised an eyebrow. “TRAPPING THAT SHITHEAD BACK TO HIS RIGHT PLACE! THAT STINKY BASEMENT. AND DON'T CLOSE IT OFF WITH CEMENT. CLOSE IT OFF WITH FUCKING BEDROCK SO IT CAN'T GET OUT EVER!” Emy says in a excited tone.

Cassie's couldn't help but laughed at the plan. Emy smiles as she watches Cassie laugh. That smile. That laughter. It fills her. She giggles.

“Pfft.. That do sound like the most bestest thing in the world” Cassie wipes away the single tear in her eyes from laughing.

“right???” Emy chuckles. “I'm the most bestest planner in the whole world” Emy says proudly. “Sure you are.. You can't even make a schedule for our class” “Hey! That doesn't count!” Emy huffed.

“Yes it does you silly goose” Cassie chuckles. “no it doesn't!” Emy tackles Cassie to the ground and starts tickling her.

Cassie starts to squirm as she let's out sounds of giggles. “hah- Emy st-stop!” She laughs trying to push emy away but failed miserably. She continues to let out fits of giggles and laughs. As Emy continues to tickles her at her ribs.

“h-haha- E-emy! S-sto- hahah- Stop!- i-it tickles!” Cassie manages to say through her fits of laughters and giggles.

Emy didn't stopped at all. She ignores her and continues to tickles her.

Hearing Cassie laughs was really entertaining and comforting to hear.

After a minute or so Emy stops as Cassie trys to catch her breath.

The door to Cassie's room opened. “hey girls lunch is re-” Ness stares at the two. “Ah i see, hope I'm not interrupting your..little moment, eh- Come down stairs when your done with your sweet moment” Ness close back the door.

Emy flushed red at the comment. The same goes to Cassie. Emy quickly gets off Cassie and sits on the ground with her knees to her chest. Cheeks still red.

“NESS!! WE'RE JUST FRIENDS! THAT'S ALL!!” Cassie screams as she stands up and runs out of the room to possibly murder the blond adult.

Emy gently falls to her side, forming a ball as she starts thinking life choices while still being red.


Micheal stares at the brunette girl chasing down the older blond with a knife. “This house hold is a mess..” he sighes as he picks up his phone. He didn't even have time to open it until the blond tackles him into a hug on the couch. “MIKE- SAVE ME!!” She says as she hides behind him.

“is it my fault you decide to anger a short tempered girl?” “I'M NOT SHORT TEMPERED.” Cassie scoffs as she places the knife on the table. Glaring at Vanessa. “What did she do?” Mike ask.

“Well yknow. Just coming into my room without warning and starts saying ABSOLUTELY BULLSHIT.” She yells. “LISTEN! If you were in my position! You would have thought the same!” Ness tries to defend herself.

Mike was even more clueless at this.

“She was on the ground- laying- catching her breath- with Emery, yknow the blond white girl in her age- was literally on her lap- smirking? Smiling? Whatever her face expression was earlier- it looks like they just fucking finish a make out session!” Ness explains.


“WOAH WOAH WOAH. We're not gf and bf- goddamn.” Mike says. “Fuck no! He's literally as old as Einstein!” Ness said.

That felt like an arrow stabbed into mikes heart. He def did not like to be called old or something relating to the word 'old'.

“Yeah whatever!” the two continues to argue back and forth about this stupid misunderstanding.

“SHUT UP!” Mike yells. “Before I bring your both to see the scooper.” the both immediately shutted their mouth. Not making a sound- Not even breathing.

“So annoying.” Mike goes back to open his phone and scrolls through stuff. Cassie heads back upstairs. While Ness leans back on Mikes side.

My internet is gonna be gone- for however long So, ye, might as well make my time for me books

Word Count: 1244

Security Breach Ruin | Coming Back [Book 1]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant