C H A P T E R 9 ☆ 1.0

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This chapter contains genmui, if you don't like the ship you can skip this chapter. I'll make sure that I make 2 versions of chapter 9 so that you don't miss anything.
"Genya." "Present!" "Inosuke" "here." "Tanjiro" "present!" "Muichiro" "hi" "iguro" "present.." "aoi" "..." "aoi?" The Professor repeated, but just then the door opened revealing aoi. "My apologies, I was at the principal's office. she said that she'll send an email regarding my late appearance" "then it's alright. Grab a seat so that we can continue going on with our lessons" "yes sir!"

After the lesson ended
"I'm so glad that we're in the same class!" "Me too, although I miss Nezuko, we've never had different classes before.." "she'll be fine tanjiro! She's very responsible. And she has zenitsu and kanao with her" "guys? I've been tapping genya for the past five minutes now but he's not responding"inosuke said, the two of them then looked at genya before noticing what was wrong "he's in love Inosuke!" Aoi responded while her whole face lit up "w-what! Who's in love?" Genya said as he jolted up and started blushing "you are! And don't even think about denying it because I know that it's true" "fine! But I'm not in love! I'm not the type of person to fall for someone for their looks" "who's the lucky lady?" Tanjiro asked, but then genya started looking upset "actually.. it's not a lady." "I knew it!" "Why do you look so down tho?" "You guys aren't disappointed in me?" "Why would we be? What's wrong with you being gay?" "It's just that any time I come out to my friends they start shaming me for it.. the only people that have actually supported me are my family " "genya, we don't care about who you do or don't like. You're still the same genya to us and your sexuality doesn't change that"tanjiro said "yeah! We don't care about any of that just as long as you're happy"aoi pitched in "are we gonna get to the point where genya tells us who he likes?" Inosuke said tired of waiting "Uhm.. you know that guy with the 2 toned long hair.." "you mean muichiro? That's the guy you like?" "Yeah.." "I can help you get to know him! We used to be friends in middle school"tanjiro said "you'd do that for me?" "Ofcourse! That's what friends are for" "thanks guys, I really appreciate it" "you don't need to thank us for anything, but if you're really gonna thank us do it by talking to him" "I'll do it at the end of our classes.. speaking of that P.E STARTS IN 2 MINUTES"

"Dodgeball.. really?" "Out of everything that they could've chosen they chose dodgeball?" "For real" "dodgeball isn't that bad guys!" "How can you still be that energetic tanjiro.." "he's like the sun" "what's that supposed to mean" "he doesn't stop shining"inosuke said proud of his explanation "okay.." "ALL PLAYERS IN THE FIELD, NOW." Their p.e teacher yelled
The teams were
Team 1

Team 2


Everybody started throwing balls at eachother without looking, which was stupid but also caused a lot of people to get eliminated,
After like 9 minutes there were only 4 players left

"Inosuke if i were you id give up, our team is winning" "you sure about that?" Inosuke said before throwing a ball at aoi. Which she caught "yes, I'm sure." Aoi then noticed that there was a different ball flying towards her teammate douma, one that was too fast to catch or dodge and before she knew it only her and gyutaro were left on the field "are you really.. so sure about that?" "Don't make me tell you guys twice."she said before she started with her plan, gyutaro had most of the balls on his side so he started throwing while she was dodging when he noticed that he was out of balls he immediately understood aoi's plan "you did that on purpose didn't you.." "damn right i did" "she managed to throw 2 balls at the same time and somehow all two of them hit him! "I told you we'd win Inosuke "yeah yeah whatever"
After they finished all of their classes
With aoi and genya
"Today was exhausting.. and it's only the first day" genya said practically dragging himself to the dorms "isn't that muichiro? Genya go talk to him!" "Do you really think I should?" "Yes!" "What about you tho? You'll be by yourself.." "don't worry about me! I need to go run a few errands anyway" "okay.. I'll see you later!" "Yep"

"H-hey! You're muichiro right?" "yeah..? What's up" "well uhm i wanted to know If you wanted to uhm be friends you know?.." "hm, sure why not? Want me to give you my number?" "That'd be nice.." "you're acting like this is your first time having a crush." "W-what? What do you mean?" "Do you really think that I didn't notice you staring at me earlier.and now you're coming up to me asking to be friend? Those are the most common steps of what people do when they have a crush." "Oh, does this mean that the feelings aren't mutual?" " I never said that, you're cute although I'm not the type of person that would date someone after talking to them one time" "yeah me neither, would you wanna go out with me some time..to get to know eachother ofcourse" "sure, when?" "Is Saturday alright? I figured that if we go on a day that we don't have school we'll have more time with eachother" "sounds good, I'll text you later. I have to go now" "oh.. alright. It was nice talking to you muichiro" "yeah same"
With aoi
Aoi was practically running because she wanted to get to the mall on time, she completely forgot that the stuff she ordered were coming to the store today, but then she bumped into someone who she didn't expect to be there "well well, if it isn't aoi! Where's your boyfriend to protect you now.."
"Tamaki please just leave me alone!" "I'm sorry love but I can't do that! I miss you.. I need you back into my life and I'm going to do whatever it takes for that." "Please tamaki..I'm sorry okay! But I just don't love you.." tamaki then starting getting closer to her, putting his hand around her waist and leaning in like he wanted to kiss her but then he strongly got pulled away by the same person that almost brine his jawbone the last time "didn't I tell you to stay the fuck away from her! What the fuck is wrong with you" "could you please not tell me what I can and can not do with my girlfriend.. she's mine alright. I'll see you later aoi!" Those were the last things he said before running away  "Im sorry Inosuke! I didn't mean for you to get caught up in this.." "aoi.. don't worry about it. And I'm glad that we're in all the same classes together because I'm not leaving you at all. Unless you have to go to the bathroom ofcourse but I'll still stand outside the door.." "you'd do all of that for a friend?" "You mean a lot to me.. ofcourse I would" "thanks Inosuke" "why're you here tho?" "Oh I need to go pick up a few packages before the store closes" "I'm coming with you. No buts" "o-okay" "aoi?" "Hm?" "Wanna hang out this weekend? Just the two of us?" "W-why?" "Nevermind, let's just go get your packages..." ".. I'd love to Inosuke" "really? You don't have to if you feel pressured into going or anything" "shush, i wanna go. Besides there's a new amusement park that opened up nearby, it's be fun if I got to go there with you" she said before facing him "a-alright"
A/N i have no inspiration. Please tell me what I should add before Inosuke and aoi confess to eachother word count : 1340

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