Green bracelet

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The other kids got closer to her as Charlie looked at them with her glowing dark brown hazel eyes "uhm guys?" Charlie asked scared as she backed up a bit "we just want to give you a surprise" one of the kids said a they backed up closer to the door and pushed her out locking the door on her, Charlie looked at them as the rain was pouring down on her head. Charlie looked down a bit banging on the door for someone to let her in but nobody heard her but the security puppet was stuck, it was trying to get out to safe Charlie but a purple car came by and stopped, Charlie was banging a loud as she could "let me in!" She begged but the other kids did nothing and just watched from far away as someone got out the purple car there was a light of thunder that almost hit Charlie. The guy walked up to her which it was william, Charlie looked up at him with tears in her dark brown eyes that seemed to get lighter as she was crying "uncle william.. please help me get back in.." Charlie begged crying as william smiled hiding a knife behind his back "sure.. I'll help" william grinned widely as he took the knife room behind his back, Charlie looked scared and started banging on the door again "help!!" Charlie yelled as loud as she could but as soon as she did william stabbed her in the back as blood was dropping down from her, She was frozen as william stabbed her repeatedly with her guts spilling out from her body, She fell down on the floor and william kept stabbing her. When he was done he kicked her head as hard as he could as blood kept rushing out like a river. William grabbed a bag and put the body in it then he went to the near by lake and threw it in there as he grinned "now Henry will know how it's like to not have a daughter.."

green braceletWhere stories live. Discover now