My Life Before

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To say I wished for a better start at life is an understatement. I came into the world on July 30th, 1906, born into a humble Scottish family struggling with poverty. My father worked tirelessly to earn a living, while my mother dedicated herself to looking after me at home. Despite their hardships, their relationship was often turbulent, with frequent arguments that I could overhear. My father's concerns typically revolved around finances, while my mother focused on nurturing me. One day, I overheard my father utter something that brought tears to my eyes.

Dad: Aye, ye ken, I ne'er did desire a wee bairn. 'E took me liberty awa', me cronies likely baskin' in merriment while I'm ensnared, toilin' tae earn enough coin tae nourish that young 'un. I yearn he'd ne'er graced this world.

Those words struck me deeply, causing me to curl up into a ball in my room, overwhelmed with emotion. After my tears subsided, I gathered my cherished wooden toy and made the decision to escape. I sprinted away with all my might, only slowing down when I reached a quaint village. Gazing through a house window, I observed a content family with a joyous young boy, which brought a few tears to my eyes. Overcome by my feelings, I allowed myself to weep silently. Eventually, a voice caught my attention, and I paused in my sorrowful reverie.

Girl: Guid day, laddie. Where might yer mither and faither be?

Remaining silent, I felt uncertain about the identity of the person speaking. The mention of "parents" triggered memories of my father's hurtful words.

Dad: I yearn he'd ne'er graced this world.

A tear rolled down my cheek as I remained quiet. I gently shook my head to indicate "no."

Girl: Ach, nae parents, ye say? Ah, I see. Ye're the carer at th' orphanage up th' road, are ye? I'll be makin' me way there shortly, then, in hopes o' findin' a guid parent fer this wee one.

I gave a confirming nod and then got up from the ground.

Girl: A pleasure tae meet ye, Skye. It warms me heart tae hear yer promise o' findin' kind parents fer this young soul. Aye, let's strive tae bring a bit o' sunshine intae their life.

Louis: I-I-I'm Louis.

She gazed warmly at me, her lips curling into a gentle smile, and extended her hand as if inviting me to grasp it. I reached out and our fingers intertwined, setting in motion our journey toward the orphanage.

In just a matter of minutes, we arrived at the entrance of the orphanage. A sense of apprehension filled me as I contemplated what lay beyond the door. Skye must have sensed my unease, as she lowered herself to my eye level, offering comfort and understanding.

Skye: Dinna fash yersel', Louis. I give ye me word, all will be well.

After a reassuring moment, Skye rose to her feet and gently pushed the door open, ushering us inside. With her lead, we stepped across the threshold and entered the building.

(7 years later)

Throughout my time at the orphanage, I remained unchosen by any prospective parents, and the reasons for this eluded me. Skye, however, stood as a constant presence, providing unwavering care and support. She would often reassure me with her words of comfort.

Skye: Next time 'round, we'll ensure ye find a bonnie home, ye can trust in that.

As the years went by, my hope started to wane, even as I grew older and more knowledgeable. My belief in finding a family began to fade. My faith hit rock bottom when my father appeared and chose to adopt another child instead of me. My heart longed for someone, anyone, to embrace me into their family through adoption. Skye's nurturing care made me feel like a cherished son. However, the realization that I was swiftly approaching an age where adoption would be less likely weighed heavily on my mind. The countdown began, with only a single month remaining until my 18th birthday. Gradually, a sense of isolation and uncertainty grew within me, making me doubt my ability to navigate the world on my own. Contemplating the challenging road ahead, I made the difficult choice to gather my belongings and prepare to face life outside the orphanage once I reached the age of 18, hoping to carve out a brighter future for myself.

(1 month later)

On the eve of my departure from the orphanage, with just one day left before the window for adoption closed, I gazed out of my window and spotted a boat moored on the docks, not far from the town. A plan formed in my mind: if the boat remained by the next day, I would seize the opportunity to seek a better life elsewhere.

As I turned back inside, I encountered Skye standing in the doorway, tears streaming down her face. Moved by the moment, I embraced her in a heartfelt hug, and we stood there for a while, finding solace in each other's presence before eventually letting go.

Skye: Dinna fash, lass. Sometimes promises dinnae come tae pass as we hope. There's nae need tae be sorry.

Louis: It's okay Skye.

Skye: Aye, I ken what yer meanin'. The boat's there, clear as day. We're set fer the journey ahead.

I held her in another embrace, cherishing the connection we shared before the impending changes in my life.

Skye: I'll be bidin' ye farewell as well, Louis. Ye'll be in me thoughts.

After Skye departed from the room, a wave of emotions overcame me, and I sank to my knees in a moment of vulnerability. Desperation to be remembered led me to place my cherished wooden toy on the bed as a token of our bond. With determination in my heart, I made my way towards the waiting boat, ready to embark on a new journey.

(Chapter 1 End)

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