Do I even have a choice?

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POV. Max

Kelly went to the bathroom and now I'm sitting here with her daughter. The one we just found out about two hours ago.
She's angry, rightfully so, and won't talk to Kelly anymore.

There's a knock on the door and shortly after a doctor walks in.
„Hey, I'm doctor Lagos, I'm Lillian's doctor. Is miss Piquet here?" he asks.
„No she went to the restroom she should be back in a little." I respond breaking the time span of probably half an hour in which I haven't said anything.
„And if I may ask who are you to the patient?" he asks.
„Oh I'm her mothers partner." I explain cutting it short.
„Alright. I'm here to take some DNA samples from miss piquet and Lillian, because we do have to legally make sure that miss piquet is her mother. It's just protocol." he explains.
„No, no, I understand." I assure him.

„Alright Lillian? Is it okay if I draw some blood?" he asks stepping up to her bed.
She nods and he draws the blood he needs.

„Alright just so you know we have checked all the tests and scans and beside some broken ribs you are fine. There is no internal bleeding or anything of that sort. Which means that you will be able to take her home right after the DNA comes back. Assuming you live with miss piquet..." he adds noticing his rudeness.
„yes I do live with her. And thank you." I say.
Luckily Kelly walks in that moment and he draws her blood too.

POV. Lillian

They live together?
I'll not just live with my ‚never present' mother but also her boyfriend?

„So Lillian is there anything we can get from where you lived? Something you want to take with you? Because I'll have to let you know we live pretty far away. Have you ever heard of this very small country called Monaco?" Kelly breaks the silence.

Monaco? What are they rich? And isn't that in the opposite side of France? I ask myself.

„Yes I know what Monaco is." I say instead.
„Oh ok. Then can we get something from your house?"
„I guess I'm going to need clothes aren't I? But there is t something other that I need to like live."
„alright. Then I guess we will stop at your place to get some clothes. You don't have to take all of them we can get you some new once considering the weather in Monaco is not quiet as cold and rainy as here in London." she chuckles.
Yup they are rich.

It knocks again and doctor Lagos walks in.
„I have good news. The test came back positive as expected. You will be legally allowed to take her with you once you signed her guardianship papers. There is a lawyer waiting for you outside whenever your ready. Don't worry it won't be complicated since you are biologically her mother and your background looks perfectly reliable to care for a child. So it should just be a quick signature and then you done." he explains.
A quick signature and then your done. As if I'm just being signed over like a piece of property that can be taken home afterwards.
„Thank you." Kelly replies.
„Yes no problem. I'll get her discharge papers ready to go then." he says.
He then shakes my hand and says goodbye.
I guess this really is happening.

After Kelly went outside to sign the papers he comes back.
„So are you ready to go home?"
„Do I even have a choice?" i ask looking at her from the wheelchair that the nurse put me in.
No one responds and Max starts pushing me outside.

the daugher of F1 (Max Verstappen and Kelly piquet daughter)Where stories live. Discover now